Bath - Episode 5

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This kinda smutty (?)
Nothing much really, oof

"What ?"
"A bath, together"
They have been dating for about 1 month now.
"We don't have to do "it" "
"Oh" Momo sat down on Todoroki's bed
"Why do you want to ?"
"I can close my eyes"
"Promise ?"
Todoroki nodded.

They were both in the bath, Momo was deeply embarrassed since she has never done this before, Todoroki didn't say a word while both were sitting in the tub, he was just staring at her and her hidden breasts.
"This is.." Momo muttered "Something I didn't expect."
Awkward silence once again.
"You actually have one of this ?" Momo pointed to a yellow rubber duck and reached to grab for it, Her breasts slightly revealed. Her uncomfortable expression turned to a happy—surprised face as she finally grabbed the rubber object and lightly squeezed it. Todoroki was smiling on the inside, he never thought her girlfriend would actually like this simple silly things such as rubber ducks.
"What's it's name ?"
"I haven't given it one"
"Can I name it ?" Todoroki could feel her excitement
"Uh.. sure"
"Tododakku!" . (It means Tododuck in Japanese)
She hugged the duck against her breasts and smiled happily, like the duck had made her forever happy or something.
"Thought you'd never have this type of thing in your room !"
"I am actually surprised you like this.. thing. I thought you would find it immature"
"Why should I ?"
She placed the duck on the water to see if it floats, and it did.
"Haha this is the real iconic rubber duckie !"
Todoroki felt a feeling to kiss her girlfriend, he slowly leaned towards Momo and then finally reached her lips, or.... the duck's orange lips. Momo was holding the duck on her hand in front of her mouth, as a embarrassed smirk appeared in her expression.
"I'm sorry !" She managed to spit out while she was laughing the duck still on her hand.
Todoroki didn't say a thing, he simply stood there with a small smile on his face. He tried again to kiss his lady and finally succeeded, surround her with his arms while kissing her lips, as her chests lightly touched his chest. He could feel her legs shaking since she knew her breasts' nipples were really noticeable with the touch of their bodies. She tried to keep calm but failed, as she started to shake as a scared chihuahua. Todoroki let go of the kiss and silently got out of the tub as Momo was still shaking looking at the duck. What was she thinking ?
She thought Todoroki got mad because she didn't have sex with him in the tub, her tears started to run from her eyes as she though it was over. But Todoroki soon arrived with a blindfold on and a towel, he then grabbed Momo guided by the sound of her crying and made her get up and out of the tub, Momo was embarrassed since she thought the blindfold could still let his boyfriend see her naked body, he then grabbed the red towel and wrapped it around Momo and removed his blindfold, he walked her out of the bathroom and sat her on his bed, as he was hugging her as if there was no tomorrow, while Momo was uncontrollably sobbing.

Todoroki had touched Momo with his dad side, his left hand had guided the journey of Momo's skin touching in the bath. He felt guilt. Did he really deserve Momo or, was he being the same as his father ....?


Word count : 613 words
Time taken : 1 hour , 32 minutes
Picture found on Pinterest.
Written by Kalamarik.
Characters belong to Boku no hero academia.

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