Late night - episode 6 (NSFW)

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It was a late night, Momo and Todoroki were sitting in his bed, Todoroki holding Momo while kissing passionately, she as usual was red as usual and let Todoroki do most of the actions in their sexual in counters.
They let go of their kiss and silently stare at each other
"Todoroki I really—"
"Do you want me to stop ?"
Momo felt guilty with simply hearing those words, she forced herself to remove her shirt, she threw herself to Todoroki as he started kissing her neck, Momo moaned softly as she hold back her tears, while Todoroki was on the action and started removing her bra, he then grabbed her breast and slowly massaged it. Momo's tears were already dropping from her eyes as her legs shaked uncontrollably, she seemed to not be liking this, but she liked it, only when Todoroki's desire doesn't get the best of him.
"I won't"
Todoroki moved his hand below Momo's skirt and started gently touching Momo's most intimate spot, but he didn't go as far to remove her panties.
"Stop, please"
"What if I won't ?"
Todoroki started rubbing his fingers threw Momo's vagina, Momo's legs were shaking more than ever, as Todoroki was going to go under Momo's panties, she had enough
"I TOLD YOU TO STOP" she slapped Todoroki
Todoroki's cheek was extremely red, he touched it and stared at Momo's wet eyes
And at that exact moment she broke down.


Todoroki is starting to be more like his father..

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