Todoroki's thoughts - Episode 7

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It's been a while since I've seen Momo; after the slap she gave me and broke down I told her to get out of my bedroom, and after that I couldn't sleep. I've been thinking that I've been acting like my old man, as he raped my mother to have all of my siblings I've been forcing Momo to have sexual encounters against her will, she probably doesn't enjoy them as much as I think, especially when she begs me to stop but I let my desires get the best of me.. I really don't know why she doesn't end our relationship I've hurt her countless times, she probably already told Kyoka Jirou or Mina Ashido about all of my flaws as a boyfriend, but I honestly don't care if they hate me or not.

She has told me that she loves me and will do anything for me, but she hasn't pleased my sexual desires. The one time she actually did something that was her own Will was when I was stressed and she tried to please me, I didn't do much to her that night and I regret that, since that will probably be the last time she will enjoy and want me getting personal with her skin, now that I think of it, I haven't even gotten my shirt off for her, she hasn't touched my dick, and I was going as far to go under her frilly underwear...  she probably hates me, she probably won't ever talk to me again and she will probably report me to the authorities.. but I deserve it, I played with the most pure heart and broke it down into multiple pieces. The best I can do is to leave her alone so she won't get annoyed. 

Maybe I can try giving her a gift since whenever she gave me a gift I felt calm, maybe she will feel the same.. but what can I give Momo that will make her realize that I am sorry and I deeply care for her ?  I don't know how but she always managed to give me gifts that I really did appreciate and like, this girl is so perfect and sweet I can't believe how badly she broke down... this isn't fair.

I promised myself to never be like my old man and never repeat his actions, I've been touching Momo with my left hand, my old man's disgusting side.

When I nagged Momo to take a bath with me she accepted, such a awkward and intimate request that must be difficult for her she still accepted.. and when she asked me to stop touching her skin I declined, such a simple request, yet I don't obey her. Momo is my treasure, my beautiful treasure, I need to apologize as soon as possible, I will do anything to take her back.

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