After - 12

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This story takes place after Momo's recovery, she's now better.

Momo and Todoroki sat in one of the dorm's couches, Momo was focused on a book about mastering algebra and other complicated math problems, besides her laid a half-n-half bastard, he was braiding Momo's dark silk hair while thinking of his dark past, or more specifically his Mom's mental breakdown. Momo didn't know any of this, even though she was his girlfriend, he never really opened up to her, not after what happened.  He kept fiddling with her hair while staring into space, and Momo kept reading her recently bought book. Suddenly, a door creaks open, it was Mina, who just recently awoken, she yawned as she stretched her arms and scratched her pink face, she walked past the couch both students were sitting in and stared at them
" Huh ? How long have you guys been awake ?!"
No response
" Hellooooo? Is your brain workiiiiing ?"
No response once again
Mina poked Momo's shoulder in which she responded with a surprised flinch
"Ah morning Ashido-Chan !" She closed her book and turned to look at Mina "Sorry I dozed off for a moment, I'm trying to understand the process of this algebra problem... the writer sure didn't know how to explain things correctly.."
"That's fine ! Don't stress it !" Mina yawned once more  "What's up with Todoroki ?"  Momo turned to see Todoroki braiding her hair, his expression was blank and completely distracted
"Todoroki ?" She gently shook his hand
Todoroki blinked and seemed to have snapped out of his mind, he looks at Momo
"what's wrong ?"
The girl smiled
"nothing is wrong"
The couple exchanged passionate eyes while Mina internally screamed and fangirled, she always wanted to see the two of them in a relationship. Mina always thought that they had sexual tension between them, but in reality, it was more than just sexual attraction, because they sure deeply loved each other.

The boy turned to the alien girl "What do you need Ashido-San ?"
"Nothing, just wanted to get some water, I'm heckin thirsty !!"
" Alright then.."
Mina walked to the kitchen sink and filled a glass with fresh water, then she walked to her room and waved goodbye as she shut the door.


" Are you okay ?"
" What do you mean  ?"
" You are dazing off..."
" I just.. I was thinking about stuff"
"What kind of stuff ?" Momo grew closer to Todoroki and stared at him directly in his bicolor eyes "You can tell me anything, I'll help you with whatever I can"
Todoroki sighed as he looked away from the girl, he looked down at the ground
"I haven't told you many things" Momo's face grew worried
"I don't know if I should tell you this.. the only one who knows is Midoriya"
"You can tell me anything"
The boy looked back to see his mate giving him a honest smile, he felt comfortable by just looking at the smile, and then he began to speak
" I was born only to become a hero, the number one hero. My old man forced my mother to marry him so they could have the perfect child with a very powerful quirk, 50/50. When I was born I started to practice with some really harsh training, sometimes I even threw up, and when mom tried to intervene she would get slapped by my damned old man." He gasped for air "One night, my mom had a mental breakdown and this caused her to put boiling water in my father's side, she was put in a mental institution."
Todoroki stared at the floor and Momo stared at him
"I'm sorry that happened to you, I wish I could do something to help you" the girl said as her chest ached with pain
" You know, you remind me of my big sis a lot"
" huh ?"
"You always worry about me and don't worry enough for yourself"
"I just really care for you, I love you"
"I love you too"
Both of their faces collided with each other, and a kiss was formed, Momo closed her eyes as she let the warm sensation overcome her chest and body.
"Excuse me, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki"
They pulled away as soon  as they heard their teacher's name
"Meet me at the teacher faculty room, we need to talk about something serious"

untitled love - todomomo (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now