Dancing in the dark (Oneshot)

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As the colorful lights flickered, two students approached each other as the music fluttered in the air. 

"Todoroki-kun! you look great!" Momo commented on her crush (Who she refuses to accept her feelings for)

The boy was looking normal, with the simple fact that he was wearing a suit, it wasn't even that fancy. But Momo, had a very pretty dress that she went to look for with the other girls, Mina, Tsuyu, Jirou, Toru and Uraraka. It was red, and it matched her hero costume, since the color was similar to her costume, Tsuyu pointed it out and the other girls freaked out about it, and convinced her to buy it. It wasn't crazy expensive, but it still was fairly pricy. But obviously, it wasnt very expensive for Momo, since she was filthy rich. 

"Thanks, Yaoyourozu, you.. look great" the boy responded as he shyly eyed her up and down, but mostly stared at her cleavage. 

Seeing his crush (that he refused to accept that he liked) in a very nice dress made him feel a bit.. exited. 

They stared at each other for some time, making some awkward silence. Momo felt a bit uneasy, she felt something weird on her belly.. it was like some sort of tickling. 

"Yaomomo!" Mina called

"Ah, im coming!" said the girl as she turned her back to Todoroki, but before she could go anywhere, Todoroki grabbed her by the wrist. This stunned Momo and Mina, but Mina just gave Momo a smirk and winked at her before walking away to her group of friends (bakusquad) the other girl didn't really know what was happening, so she got a quick shiver down her spine. 

"Yaoyourozu, don't go..yet" muttered Todoroki. the girl looked down at his hand, who was grabbing her wrist like it depended his ife in it, and then turned to face his eyes, she expected him to look away as soon as their eyes met, but instead he stared right back at her into her soul. 

"Ah-" she turned away, defeated by his intense eye contact "I-I... um.. alright" he then took his hand off of her wrist. 

"When the soft song thing starts, please dance with me" 

Momo's eyes shined for a minute, that was a request she always dreamed of hearing, it was like she was a princess and Todoroki was a prince, the fact that they were formally dressed also helped her small fantasy. She smiled and looked at the floor "I would love to". she turned her eyes away from him for a second, in the corner of her eye, she saw Mina, Jirou and Tsuyu. Mina was giving her a thumbs up, jirou was smiling at her, and after some seconds she gave her the thumbs up too, and then followed the frog girl. This time she understood that, she really was in love.

She turned her eyes back to Todoroki's, and then asked "Todoroki, actually, lets go grab some juice over there" Todoroki nodded, and followed the girl to the food table.

"Ahh,, in my household we usually dont have this.."

"Do you mean punch?" 

"Oh so thats what its called? We usually only have tea... I didnt know.." the girl turned away embarrassed 

"Its fine" Todoroki poured some punch, some for him, and some for the girl, he handed it to her, and then drank his.

And then the soft music started, Momo almost chocked on her drink. 

"Yaoyorouzu, Are you okay?"

"Ah-!" Momo coughed and then put the drink down on the table "I am fine! just got a little.. startled"

"Want to go to the nurse?"

"No! Its nothing"

"Then... may i have this dance?" Todoroki extended his hand gently, asking for permission.

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