First Date - Episode 4

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Momo was dragging Todoroki by his cold hand, he was blindfolded and confused.
"Where are you taking me ?"
"Just wait!"
They entered in a store or cafe since Todoroki could hear the typical bell they use to welcome someone in a store or cafe, Momo smiled and took Todoroki's blindfold off.
"Tadaa !" Momo said as her eyes lit up
"Sakura Noodles and Cat Cafe" it read, Todoroki was shocked but before he could thank his innocent girlfriend she grabbed him by his hand and sat him down.
"Look at the menu, you'll love everything they sell !" Momo putted the menu in Todoroki's face
He grabbed it and read "Soba Noodles" "Ramen noodles" "Cold noodles" "hot noodles" etc
Todoroki couldn't help but grin, his girlfriend knew him so well !  Then a cat slowly crouched towards Momo, she grabbed a toy and started playing with it with the fluffy animal, as Todoroki watched he was thinking to himself how lucky he was to have her. Todoroki looked a closer look at the menu.
"Momo, Everything is expensive here"
"Ah i don't mind ! Get whatever you want, it's all on me !"
"I can't"
"Why ? Don't you like this place ?"
"I sure do but—"
"Hello I'm Akiko, how can I help you today ?" The waitress said with a tired voice
"Oh hello ! I'll get the frozen strawberry mocha tea please!"
The waitress wrote that down, she didn't use her hands, she used her eyes to move the pen around the paper, Todoroki could tell that this girl's quirk was something to do with manipulating objects.
"And you?"
Todoroki looked at Momo, she smiled and pointed to the menu, he looked at what she was pointing "Full Cold Ramen with extra vegetables: 3,900 yen"
"He will get the Full Cold Ramen"
The waitress already went away.
"I know the tradition is that the boy pays for the girl, but I want to make it different"
"I don't want to make you pay"
"It doesn't matter" she handed a toy to Todoroki "Play with this babies, it'll make you feel better"
A cat showed up, Todoroki stood still
"Here move it like this-" she grabbed Todoroki's hand and started moving it down and up, the cat then started to jump and try to catch the little mouse on the end of the toy.
She didn't reply
Todoroki looked at Momo and saw her hugging a cat, the cat was fat and fluffy and seemed to actually be enjoying the warm hug. Todoroki's heart melted, not only because of the cute cat but because his girlfriend was so sweet with the animal, he remembered what she did to try to make him feel better (read the nsfw episode to find out what I mean ;> ) he though she would give her own life for the animal if it meant keeping it safe.
"Foods here !"


"Ah the food was delicious" Momo walked past Todoroki and stopped in front of him, she bent down closer to him "Did you enjoy the food ?"
Todoroki didn't move a muscle, but , he simply looked away, Momo felt that she messed up since Todoroki looked away.
"I'm sorry"
Momo was tearing up.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you feel happy"
She looked away and clutched her fist in her chest as she started to cry.
Something met her gentle lips, it was Todoroki's lips.
He then jerked his head in her shoulder.
"Thank you"


By: Kalamrik
Word count: 582
Time taken: 20 mins

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