Its okay - Episode 10 (season final)

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Momo was laying in the hospital's bed, her face was numb and pale, she had a huge bandage around her forehead and her eyes still had giant eye bags. Next to her bed, sitting in a frilly chair, was Todoroki, he had been there since yesterday (the day where everything occurred) he hasn't been able to sleep correctly, and he had such huge guilt that his hair has been starting to fall out. His classmates haven't visited Momo, except for Jirou and Tsuyu, the three of them were the most affected in all of this, eve tho it's been only one day after the accident, it felt like some very long years to them.
Tsuyu didn't have anything special with Momo, but she felt immense guilt because she knew something was very wrong, but she didn't act upon it.

Todoroki's POV

I'm scared because of what has happened, I don't want Momo to think like me as a terrible person.. I don't want her to keep suffering because of me, first she cries, then she forces herself to complete my desires and now she hits her head. This isn't fair, I would do anything if it ment for her to go back to normal, even if it ment never getting together. I'm staring into the blue sky while contemplating the birds that pass by and then I blinked tiredly, then I heard the sounds of some groaning and looked back at Momo, she seemed to be waking up from the coma-state she was in, I immediately called the nurse and a girl with green short hair came in.
"Whats the problem?"
"She's waking up"
The nurse nodded and made a gesture for me to go out, I was hesitant but I obeyed the instructions, then more people came in the room, the nurse with green short hair came towards my direction
"Sir, just for you to know, we will need to have this girl with us for at least 2 days, she has lost her memo—"
"WHAT ?! CAN SHE REMEMBER HER FAMILY ?" I screamed at the tired nurse
"My quirk allows me to make people recover their memory, but it would take about 48 hours to recover all of the memory she's forgotten"  the nurse cleared her throat "Plus her full recovery would take a day after my quirk manifests."
"I'll stay here"
"No you are not" A familiar voice came from the other side of the room, it was Mr. Aizawa, I turned around and the nurse followed my movement
"We have training and also some technique classes going on, we can't have 2 students missing out on this week"
"What about Mo-"
"She will catch up later, you can help her study if you wish, for now, I need you focused on your studies"
Mr. Aizawa turned to the nurse
"Sorry if this boy caused you any trouble, we will go now"
"No problem, she will be in good hands" the nurse forced a smile, I could see she had tiny scars on her wrists, I hope she was okay.


Todoroki arrived at his school's dorm with a sad attitude, Aizawa was following behind him, neither of them dared to say a word until Todoroki was going to his room the teacher spoke
"I need to know what actually happened to Yaoyoruzu"
Todoroki stopped
"For what I heard you weren't the only one that had to do with Yaoyoruzu's accident"
"It was only me"
"Jirou and Asui were also upset, that means they had to be involved in this accident too"
"Sir, it was only me"
"If you won't tell me then I'll call this girls"
Todoroki felt anger wash over him, why was his teacher dragging innocent people in his and Momo's problem, when they did literally nothing wrong, they did quite the opposite, Jirou was worried for Momo and didn't stop asking about her health and Tsuyu helped Todoroki realize what was the correct thing to do.
"It was only me, I made Momo panic and she fell down the stairs. Jirou and Tsuyu didn't have anything to do with what happened"
Aizawa ignored the comment, and went to knock on Jirou's and Tsuyu's door.
First he knocked on Jirou's door, when she opened the door she immediately asked if something was wrong and how her best friend was feeling, Aizawa simply replied that he needed to know more information about the accident and what caused it, Jirou was confused since she had nothing to do with this incident but still obeyed the teacher, Aizawa went to get Tsuyu, she opened the door and asked if anything was wrong followed by a "ribbit" , The teacher told the same thing to Tsuyu and brought her back with Jirou and Todoroki.

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