"I have a brother and sister I didn't know about"

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I wake up the next morning and look over and see the time. I get up and get charged

And went to make food for everyone ones I was done with that I got Rose up and put on a ' Momma little baby-girl ' short on her then just some black leggings I take her to the kitchen and sit her down on her high-chair I feed her then made three  ...

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And went to make food for everyone ones I was done with that I got Rose up and put on a ' Momma little baby-girl ' short on her then just some black leggings I take her to the kitchen and sit her down on her high-chair I feed her then made three  plates for us. I say down then ate myself  then Izzy and Edwin came and did the same

"So what are we doing today Destiny" Izzy asked and Ed looks up and nods wanted to know "I don't have work so that means I can spend time with Rose and if you guys want we can all do something together" I say they look at each other and agreed we agreed to just have a chill day cause for the rest if our lives it won't be chill we all agree on going to get snacks and movie to watch so that's what we did they got ready then came back I forget the baby bag so I went to go get it while they go to the car I walk out and head to the car "aye Destiny this was by the door for you" Edwin say after putting Rose in the car seat I take it and give the keys to Izzy cause I don't know where anything is. We get in the car and drive off I open the envelope and pull everything out it had a letter two pictures and a little envelope I open the letter and read it.

Hi destiny

I'm your mom and I wanted to
meet you. I have been trying to find you seen. I left I owe you an apology and to explain to why and I want you to meet your Brother and sister I told them about you and they want to meet you to the little envelope has two plane tickets for next Monday morning at 6am if you want you can come this is the address (fake address) please come

Your mom Gina Arreaga

I had looked at the envelope and seen the plane tickets and the picture of I'm guessing my siblings looks t them and saw that me and the boys have to same eyes. I didn't know I had zoon out until Izzy start to shake me "what? What is it" She ask worried I told her and she looks at me "I have a brother and sister I didn't know about" I say with no emotions " so are you going to go" Ed asked i didn't say anything "i-i don't know" I say "I think you should cause Rose needs family and will you do to you lost your dad and now your sister you should go cause if not you'll regret it" Izzy say pulling up to the store I didn't say anything I just got out and got the cart and let Ed put Rose in there. We went into the store and got some things then went home

At home

I  was sitting down thinking about everything when Izzy sat down in front of me "Destiny you look like you need to talk to someone and you haven't really said anything since the letter, talk to me" she say  " I don't know what to think, or how to think I knew my mom left me when I was 2 and then I find out she had a daughter before me and a son after me like what I'm I suppose to think she didn't want me but she wanted them and now she wants to meet me I want Rose to have a family but at the same time I don't know them you know what I mean" she nods "let's watch the movie Ed and Rose are waiting" she say we both get up and go sit on the couch we start the movie but I wasn't paying attention I was just thinking why now after so long why now why did she not want me why did she want them and not me was I not good enough was that  I  thought to myself I soon start to watch the movie I had two days to think and decide. I guess today I'm just going to relax. Normally I would have Nick with me and talk to me but I can't just call him and ask him I know myself I would give in and go back with him but he needs to live his life,and I should to for Rose she needs it and maybe I can try and find her dad. I guess I just have to wait and see

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