The doctor office

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Next morning

I got a call from my doctor he wanted to tell me something so I'm on my way there.

I felt a note for when Nick and Mae wake up I'm still a little messed up from last night it hit me like a wave.

I got here and got off I went in and then wait to be called back.

They called me back so now I'm waiting for Dr. Black to come and tell me what he wanted to tell me.

He came in and sat down,"good morning how are you and the baby?" "We're good" I smile he nods
"I could have to you this over the phone but I thought you need to hear it in person" I nod for him to keep going.

"Your sister she died giving birth right" I nod "there is a possibility that you could to if you give birth. It's a 50/50 chance" I could believe what he was saying. "Or we could take the baby out now" "but I'm only 7 and a half months" "I know but if you want to live with the baby and watch it grow then we need to do it now or" "or what" "or you die...... or we could kill the baby" I look at him like he's crazy "I'm not killing the baby" he nods "if we do take it out will she be okay the baby" I asked " will there 50% chance it does live"

"I'm keeping it inside of me until she wants out if I die I die but then again you said it's a 50/50 chance I live" he nods "I'm taking the baby" he nods "can we not tell my husband or daughter about this" he nods

"Lay down please I need to check on the baby" I lay down and he puts the lotion on my belly.

At home

I just got home if I die I'll leave my girls, Nick, the boys their girls. My family my fans fuck.

I rub my stomach "I guess we have to wait and see what happens huh" she kicks my stomach "good to know your kicking" I laugh Brandon walks in.

"What's wrong" "nothing bee" "Destiny I know you like I know my music" I roll my eyes I get up and close the door. "Sit" he sits down

"You can't tell anyone" he nods "I just came from the doctor and he said I might died giving birth like Rose did but there's a 50/50 chance I live" he looks like he was about to cry.

"What no you can't wait if we take it out now?" I look at him "if we do she will have a 50% change to live there's 1 out of 5 baby that live if we do that please Brandon don't say anything act like everything is fine" he looks at me and hugs me.

I get up and leave, I go and take princess outside to play.

I post a picture of me and the family at my gender reveal party.

If I do die I'll miss the fans My baby's Nick. My big crazy family.

Always find our way back  / Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now