2 | Basketball

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The class started fidgeting eagerly to get out of class, I was too. Only a few more minutes andddd...

*RINGGG~* The school bell rang out and everyone immediately started dispersing.

Finally! Class is done. I thought, quickly packing up my things and was about to head out when I  noticed that the new student, Jungkook sitting still in his seat. I look ahead and see Hoseok and Jimin waiting for me and approached towards them. 

"Let's go Taehyung!" Hoseok says but I stop him. "You guys can leave." I said and they look at me confused. "Ehhh? Why?" Hoseok asked, almost concerned while. "What? Gonna help Jungkook?" Jimin says, it makes me think how he knows what I'm doing and planned to do. He is my best friend so, that makes sense, maybe.

I nod. "Yes, I'm gonna help Jungkook. He's new to our school so obviously he doesn't know the way here, and he'll probably just stay in this classroom." I explained while eyeing the two up. The homeroom was the place where most students often hanged out in.

"Okay, if you say so, but meet us at the cafeteria later! Byeee!" And they quickly ran out, not before Jimin gave me a wink. I look back and saw Jungkook getting his things ready and slowly approached him. 

"Hey, Jungkook." I greeted and he jumped back. He looked at me surprised, his body frozen. He must be shy. I thought noticing his movements. "Sorry, you're Jungkook right?" I asked and he nodded, seeming to be nervous.

We stand there for an awkward 5 minutes, expecting each other to talk but..he didn't say anything. As expected.

"Uh..welcome to our school! Yes, if you don't mind, let's go to the cafeteria? You can't just roam around this school with no directions, there's a high chance you'll get targeted by the bullies in this place." I explained quickly before grabbing his wrist.

Author's POV

Jungkook was beyond shock of what this student named Taehyung just did. He was supposed to go to the principal's office to get a student to tour him around the school but then again, he didn't even know where that was so guess it was already a loss. He looked at his wrist and a smile slowly formed on his lips. Thanks Taehyung. He thought following behind him, excitement building up inside him.


We made it to the Cafeteria, ignoring all the whispers and giggles of students. I saw my friends sitting down and waved quite vigorously . Jimin noticed me and waved back. We made it to table and I sat down. I notice Jungkook awkwardly standing up so I tapped his arm. "Sit down." I flash a smile at him and notice his cheeks getting red but shrugged it off. I look back to my friends and see Jimin and Yoongi being lovey dovey. As usual.

MIN YOONGI - Jimin's boyfriend

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MIN YOONGI - Jimin's boyfriend

I gag a bit and whispered to Jungkook. "Look at those two, being flirty in the middle of the cafeteria.." I said while judging the couple. It was pretty much my duty to tease the shit out of them. 

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