34 | Waiting

630 27 2

Namjin + Taekook

Start - Taekook

Middle, End - Namjin


Taehyung's POV

I was eating breakfast when i saw my Brother come in the Kitchen in the speed of light. "Hyung?" I questioned and watched him get something from the fridge. "Hyung? Where are you going?" I asked chewing my food and watching him fix his shirt.

"Taehyung, i won't be able to drive you to School today, i have an emergency and i need to get there, here's money, make sure to get to School safe! Love you!" And he walked out. "Wove you too.." I said and i almost choked because i still had food in my mouth.

I drank my wAtEr and finished breakfast. I placed it in the sink and got ready to go. I grabbed my phone and keys and locked the door. I started walking towards my school, with music playing in my earphones. I hummed the song when it stopped.

It stopped and i looked at my phone. Jimin. I answered the Call.

"Hey Jimin."

"Hey Taehyung, where are you?"

"Oh, i'm on my way, Jin hyung didn't drive me.."

"Okay, be safe!"

"I will."

I ended the call and continued walking. I was almost at the School, when i saw someone or someone's standing infront. They looked like one of those students that doesn't care about anybody but themselves.

They we're wearing black and had random bandages on their body. I shrugged it off and tried walking pass them, when a hand stopped me. I turned around and looked at them confused. "What?" I asked, getting annoyed already. You see, i'm used to getting stopped at random places by people like this.

They be saying the same shit everytime. I tried shaking my arm off but the guy kept it in place. I started getting really annoyed. "Yah! Let me go!" I yelled still trying to remove the grip on my hand. "No." The guy said with a slight smirk on that face that i've seen twice.

"What do you want? Money? I ain't got any, i'm broke(me) so don't expect anything. Now let me the fuck go!" I yelled again. The other guy walked towards me and not to be so disgusted than i already am, he was checking me out up and down like a predator looking at his pray.

"You look good, unlike the girls here.." The guy said, his voice deep and husky. I rolled my eyes. The music that was playing in my ears stopped, the excited feeling inside of me earlier, gone. "Yah! The fuck do you want!" I yelled. Noone was around, my luck, it was still early, like 6 am, students usually come around, 7 or 8.

"It's simple." The guy said leaning a tad bit closer. I glared at him. "You of course." He smirked. The same old shit. I thought. Suddenly,

"Yah! Who are you?"

We turned around and i sighed in relief. "Babe! Help me!" I whined surprising the 2. Jungkook walked towards us and looked at the hand on my arm. "Yah, let go." He said while burning holes to his skull. The guy let go and moved back.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulder. "Who are you guys?" He asked but recieved no answer. "Yah!" He yelled making the 2 jump. "S-sorry!" They yelled and suddenly ran off. Jungkook tsked and looked at Taehyung with a slight smirk on his face.

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