6 | Stalker?

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???'S POV

"Where are they?" I asked, getting slightly impatient. "Over there." The Guard pointed to where Taehyung and his friends are. "Act cool, got it? Don't make things obivious.." I said sternly and they nodded. We followed to where they we're going.

This Jungkook guy is stealing Taehyung away from me! I swear, i'll make him regret on ever meeting Kim Taehyung. I smirk evily, thingking of a plan.


We went to the Park and currently sitting on the bench while eating ice cream. "It's so good.." Taehyung mumbled and took another lick. "I know right!" Jimin agreed and leaned towards Yoongi.

"I'm literally a third wheel when we're together." Jhope stated while looking at us and i look at him confused. "What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, also confused. "Oh, it's nothing." Jhope smiled cheekily.

Me and Taehyung looked at eachother and he suddenly blushed and looked away. I also looked away and just started eating my ice cream again, internally hearing Jhope laughing.

Th's POV

I was just eating my ice cream while talking to the others. I look around and saw a guy in all black standing behind a large tree. It looks like, there's two more of them, but the other one had short length hair.

And she was wearing a black skirt. I felt suspiscious, but kept eating my ice cream while looking at their direction. They then turned to me and caught me staring. They immediately ran from there and to a black van at the end of the park.

I look at them getting in the suspiscious van and stood up. "Wait, Taehyung where are you going?" Jungkook asked and i eat my ice cream whole and started walking to where the van was. "Hey! Taehyung ah! where are you going?" Jimin asked and ran towards me while holding my wrist.

"That Van, over there." I pointed to where the Van was and they followed my gaze and saw it. "Aish, Taehyung don't go there. It's dangerous. Have you seen the news of people, mostly teenagers getting kidnapped by black Vans?" Jhope explained but my eyes was still glued to where the van was.

I then hear a click sound and turned around quick and saw a guy holding a Camera. I run towards them and they we're gonna run but i grabbed his collar and pushed him to the ground. I look at him and see him, panicking. "Woah! Who's that?" Jhope asked and the others walked towards us.

"He has a camera...is he taking pictures of us!?" Jimin walked towards the guy and kneeled down. He tried grabbing the camera from the guy but he won't give it. "Hey! He won't let go of the heckin camera!" Jimin yelled still trying.

"Let me." Jungkook said and kneeled down. He hold onto the camera and yeeted it out of the guys grip while i hold him still. "Can you help me? This guy is strong!" I asked, struggling to keep him still and Yoongi didn't gladly but still helped me.

"Can you take a look in the Camera?" I asked Jungkook and he did. After a few minutes, he spoke "What the fuck.." He muttered. "What?" Jimin asked looking at him. "Our pictures are here, from when we arrived and now." He explained surprised.

"Wait, you serious?" Yoongi asked and held the guys head onto the dirt, still looking at Jungkook. "Yeah, and where we have been for the past hours." He nodded. "Is he stalking us?" I questiomned and it then hit us with realization.

"How about we take him home, probably not the best idea but incase we find something else that so weird as those pictures." Jhope explained and they all agreed.

Time Skip

We had to bring the guy to our Basement, since he tried to literally stab us with a knife. We made him sit down, by sit down, i mean tied him. "Soooo, what do we do now? He won't even let us be close to him." Yoongi said.

"Did you take, all of his tools? Inside his Jacket?" Jhope asked and we nodded.

"We found a lot of pictures and i mean a lot in the Camera.  It was all me and some of Jungkook.." I explained.

"Where's his phone?" Jimin asked. "I have it, here." I took his phone out my pocket and gave it to him. "Does it have a password?" Jhope questioned. "I don't know, i haven't opened it yet.." I said and they look at me with the face of  -_- .

"What?" I asked. "Open it hyung!" Jungkook yelled and i did. I waited for a few seconds and it successfully opened. I was shocked seeing the lockscreen. It was Jennie and the guy we tied, together while smiling widely.

I froze, just staring at it. "What is it?" Jhope asked as Jimin took the phone out of my and turned it around so they could see it. They we're shocked. "What the actual motherf-"

"Okay! Don't cuss more Yoongi, you might go overboard.." Jimin chuckled nervously while he wrapped his arm around his boyfriends shoulder and whispered it to him. "So, i suppose Jennie is a friend of his..right?" Jungkook said as he took the phone from Jimin and handed it Jhope.

"Yeah, and it doesn't have a password." Jhope opened his phone and went through the contacts.


Jungkook turned towards me. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, i'm fine.." I assured by smiling slightly and he looked at me worried. "I know, your not fine hyung.." He said as he cupped my face. I blushed furiously.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked seeing my red face. "You okay? Your red.." He carressed my cheek and i just blushed like a tomato.
"Y-yeah.." I manage to say.


We pull away from eachother with blushing faces. Jungkook turned around and saw Jimin smirking at us. "Oh! Sorry to interupt your moment.." He said smirking and i just blush even more that i covered my face.

"AND you just interuppted YOUR moment." Jungkook fired back seeing Yoongi's hand around Jimin's waist and Jimin's hand around Yoongi's shoulder. They blushed slightly and moved away from eachother.

Jungkook smirked and turned to me again.
"Yah, hyung.." He smiled. He held my hands and moved it away from my face. I was met with his face that is so close to mines. We looked at eachother for a hot 2 minutes. We pulled away from eachother and i just immediately looked away. I heard Jungkook chuckle.

Tension is happening between the two. And Jimin ruined one of the moments. Next Chapter, Jimin will interrupt some moments of Taekook ;) sorry not sorryyyy.


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