3 | Taetae~

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I sighed when i heard the bell and students starting to leave. I grab my bag and started fixing my things inside when Jimin suddenly ran towards me. "Hey Taehyung!" He smiled. "Yeah?" I asked and stood up while putting my bag on. I turned to the side and saw that Jungkook wasn't there. Huh? Did he already leave? I thought but got caught off guard. "Taehyung!" I flinched and looked at Jimin. "Want to walk with me?" He asked with a small laugh. "Sure." I nodded and walked outside. We talked and laughed and went to the hall. We then saw 3 guys surrounding another guy. "Hey...who's that?" I asked practically pulling on his hair- i mean bag. It was common to see students randomly cornering a guy, a girl or someone, but it hasn't happened in awhile, until now i guess.

"I don't know. We shouldn't get involved incase we get beaten up.." Jimin explained and i just nodded. He was right. We walked passed them and i notice something.  I look down and see..Jungkook's bag? I immediately grab Jimin's bag again and he looked at me confused again.
Yeah i know what Jungkook's bag looked like, i saw it everytime we had class together. "What is it now Taehyung?" He asked kinda annoyed. "Isn't that Jungkook's bag?" I asked while pointing at the bag on the floor. "How am i suppose to know?" He asked rolling his eyes and i smack his arm. "But doesn't Jungkook own one of those keychain things." I explained turning his face with my hands. Jungkook owned a keychain of a pink bunny. "Oh yeah.." He said removing my hands from his face.

We looked at eachother and soon realized it. "Fuck...Jungkook's the one being cornered.." I whispered at him. "What should we do then?" Jimin asked panicked when one of the guys pushed Jungkook(the guy/ againts the lockers, we didn't see it but heard it. "Should we get a Teacher?" He asked. "That would be a good idea but then if we go there, to the principal's office, and he asks us questions while those shits of a human pretend it's not their fault here.." I said and looked at them. "True that." He agreed. "We need to get Jungkook out of there." I said determinedly. I was not letting my new friend be treated like shits when the ones doing it are the shits. "Okay, but how? They all look..buff..and we look thin as fuck.." Jimin explained while i glared at him for the thin as fuck part.

"But, Jungkook's our friend. We can't just leave him there and get cornered." I reasoned looking at him dead in the eye. By this time, the 2 of us and those guys over there with Jungkook are the only ones in the hallway. So it was hella quiet. Jimin seemed hesitant with the idea but sighed. "Okay fine, what do we do then? Any plans?" He asked. I thought about it then flicked my fingers together. I grabbed his arm closer as if we weren't already that close and started explaining. "Grab that guys jacket and pull him out or just push him away. If you have time kick the other guy in the balls.." I explained while pointing to them. I don't know if it'll work, i just came up with it since i watch action movies, sometimes. "And i'll go for the guy in the middle since he's mostly the one using his whole body to cover up Jungkook." I finished, looked at him and we both nodded with the random plan i just came up with in the middle.





Jimin panickedly pushed the other guy and kicked the other one on the balls. He covered his mouth when he saw their faces. I went for the guy in the middle and pulled him down the floor as they all groaned. "Come on Jungkook!" I immediately grab Jungkook's bag, his wrist when i kicked the guy who was trying to stand in the shoulder to make sure he stays down. Jungkook looked at me surprised but just went with the flow. "Hey! Come back here shortie!"We went outside and i let go of Jungkook's hand while panting. Jimin came running out and hid behind me. I looked at him confused. "What's wrong?" I asked still panting. "I'm gonna get killed tommorow by those guy. Look at their faces Taehyung! What do i do?!" He asked shaking me.

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