The beginning

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(The Author's Point of View)
Virgil still wonders what his life would be like if his parents didn't die from a plane crash. 

Sure, things are great for him now, but he still misses his family. Actually he can't decide which life he would rather have, a life with his parents and sister(s), or his life with his friends.

But we are not getting into that now of course (that's going to be in another chapter so stick around) Anyway, let's go back a few years!

How about, when he was four~~~~~~~~~~~

(Virgil's Point of View)
"Mooooooooomy?!" I squealed excitedly, "Can I go play outside with Remus and Deen? They're at the door asking!"

Remus and Deen are my best friends! I love playing with them and hanging around them, it was something I looked forward to everyday!

"Yes, honey, but be careful." My mommy warned.

I responded, "Of course mommy, Remus' mommy is outside watching us so I think we'll be fine"

I guess Remus' mommy knows how busy my mommy is right now with her work and wants to make it easier for her.

"Oh, alright good," My mommy sighed, obviously feeling like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, "go on then."

"Love you, mommy! See you later!" I said happily.

"Bye, Virgil, love you too!" my mommy waved.

"Heya, Remus and Deen!" I exclaimed. coming over to them.

Remus and Deen are the best friends I can have, they always know how to make me laugh, and we never fought! Once, I remember, Remus found a fake mustache and he put it on. He looked so funny! He also really likes it so he wears it. All. The. Time!

"Hey bro!" Remus and Deen said excitedly.

"So," I began, "what do you wanna do, guys?"

"I dunno." Deen shrugged. We were bored and we wanted to do something.

"Oh, I know!" Remus screeched excitedly, "Lets play UNO with my mommy!"

Remus, Deen, and I love playing games with Remus' mommy, so Deen and I were fine with it.

"Okay." Deen and I said together.

After a rather long game of UNO, "I won, yay!" Deen said, delighted.

"You did! Good job!" Remus' mommy and I exclaimed together.

"You deserve a prize!" Remus' mommy said enthusiastically.

"You do!" Remus gasped.

"What do you want, Deen?" I asked.

"I dunno..." Deen started, but then a sly smirk arranged itself onto his face. "How about.. a snake!" He suggested.

"A snake? You sure?" Remus' mommy asked, quite confused.

"Yep!" Deen said, already getting off of his seat and heading for the car.

"Oh, alright, I guess we'll go now, then." Remus' mommy said, shrugging off the fact that she is getting her neighbors son a snake.

(Authors Point of View)
Hello, author speaking! I am brand new to writing fanfictions this is my first one so please tell me if Im doing anything wrong...

Just so you know, a lot of the first chapters are just going to be Virgil's childhood with his friends' point of views and his point of view, and then we will get into things like what the description says, and just so you know Deen is Deceit.

OH ALSO my sister, you will see her as Wiggity_Waggity2 (formerly wiggity_waggity )  helped me with the idea of making this and she has storys and stuff so go check her out?

And yes, I know this fan fiction probably isn't so interesting right now, but trust me Im pretty sure it will get better so...yeah thats all I have to say...bye!!😅 ❤️

Edit: I will be editing a few chapters to make them more appealing, so now this chapter actually looks good. (Before, this chapter was, like 3 loong paragraphs 😬)

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