Opening presents

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(Luna's Point of View)

Oh god no. Today is my birthday, December 21st, and I hope no one remembered. I absolutely hate having all of the attention on me.

December 21st is my least favorite, and favorite day.

It is my least favorite because December 21st was the unfortunate day that I was born. It is my favorite because that day means that I'm one year closer to death.

But, anyway right now I'm sitting in my room drawing, and I guess it is turning out well. "Sissy! Happy birthday" Virgil screeched, bursting into my room. Oh no.... he remembered, so mom and dad remembered.

I set down my pencil, "Thanks...Virgil..." I said quietly.

"You're welcome!" Virgil said, "Wanna go play with me?"

"Sure, Virgil" I responded, closing my drawing notebook.

"Yay!" Virgil screamed happily.

I love playing with Virgil, for a little boy- who probably should be super annoying, he is actually fun to be around.

"Do you want to play Minecraft?" Virgil asked.

"Of course," I responded, getting up. "lets go."

We walked into Virgil's room because he likes keeping games and stuff in there, while I don't want all those things in my room.

"So, do you want to host?" I asked him.

Virgil. "Yep!" He responded, handing me my Nintendo 3DS XL. I must have left it in there the last time we played.

"Thanks." I said, taking my 3DS from him, "So, what world will you host?" I asked.

"Hmmmm... how about 'The Cavemen'?" He asked.

"Sure." I responded, laughing a bit at how he named his worlds.

Since on the 3DS the game saves every 20 minutes (auto save) we spent approximately 2 hours playing, soo...

(Approximately 2 hours later)

"That was a great game!" Virgil said, as we logged out and put the 3DS' down. But then, we heard the doorbell ring.

Hello, author heeere

Nah I'm just kidding, I won't cliffhanger y'all 😏

"Who could that be??" I asked no one in particular. 'Probably Virgil's friends.' I thought. But, I was wrong.

"Katie?!" I shouted, a little too loudly.

"Hah, you excited to see me?"  She asked playfully, "Happy birthday!" She said hugging me, I can't believe you are 15!"

I made the face of 'Breh...' at her, because she turned 15 about a month ago, so it's not like I'm special.

She laughed at my silly faces. It made me smile to see her laugh, her perfectly white teeth, her freckles, her long, curly light brown hair, her perfect body, the list goes on! I know that no one and nothing is perfect, but she makes me want to disagree with that.

I held back a sigh of admiration, as she walked to the kitchen to greet my parents. Then, I saw her give my parents something. 'Huh?' I thought.

But, I let it slip out of my mind as she walked back, jokingly saying, "I, the great Papyrus, has returned."

I laughed at that, thinking, 'That Undertale nerd.'

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