This Again

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Trigger Warning: Religious talk, bullying, a bit of swearing

Warning: Deceit's real name is in this chapter, so if you have not watched the newest episode of Sanders Sides, you probably shouldn't read this chapter (or at least the part that is Virgil's point of view)

2,567 words... Have fun.

(Luna's Point of View... again... sorry)

Today is the first day back to school from Christmas Break. Hooray! I'm gonna have sooo much fun getting bullied. Can't wait.

So, today I woke up to my really freaking loud alarm, along with Katie. She woke up scared (probably because it is really loud) thinking it was a bomb. She had a good time.

We got dressed and ready, then said goodbye to Virgil, who- for some reason, was awake at 7:00 a.m.

'Enjoy being able to sleep in while you can, Virgil.' I thought.

We walked over to the bus stop, and stood there way longer than I think a human should, finally got on the freaking bus, and arrived to school.

My homeroom is with Katie, so that is great. It is also my favorite teacher and subject so, that's a big plus.

"So, Katie, after school today would you like to go to your house and get some of your things, and quite possibly let me kick your dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets just hope they didn't already burn my things." She joked.

"We can only hope." I laughed.

"Why is it so crowded in the hallway?" Katie asked. "I don't know." I responded, legit almost tripping over someones foot.

"It's also very loud, no surprise there." I said. "Yeah." Katie laughed.

Boys were walking in front of us, pushing and shoving. One boy shoved the other so hard that another bumped into me, causing me to bump into someone behind me.

"Oh, sorry, my lady." He said with a smirk, taking my hand and giving it a kiss. I yanked my hand away and wiped it on my jeans in a panic, not wanting to feel his lips on my skin again.

As Katie stood and yelled at him for kissing my hand I turned around to see who I bumped into and, by my luck, it just so happened to be Krystal, one of my bullies.

"Lord, give me strength." I whispered, taking Katie's hand and clutching it.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" Krystal yelled.

A few people looked over. I also saw a teacher look over, which is probably why she didn't hurt me. "S-sorry." I mumbled, walking away with Katie.

I'm so dead later. She will literally kill me. "They need to back off." Katie said, quite threateningly. "Yeah." I grumbled.

After a bit of dodging people about to run into us, we made it to our lockers, which were next to each other.

We put some stuff away and took some papers out. "Gosh, I don't think I can human today." I said, leaning my back against my locker. "Agreed." Katie said.

"It's so hard to just get to our dang lockers." Katie complained. "One day I'm just going to literally drop dead in the middle of the hallway and no one would notice but you." I said out loud for some reason. "Mood." Katie responded, laughing a little.

"Let's get to class." I suggested, glancing at the clock on the other side of the hallway. "Gee, yeah let's go." Katie agreed, seeing as there's 7 minutes 'till the late bell rings.

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