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Ozpin: Y/N my guy... that is one of the idiotic plan I heard of but its risky.

Y/N: what's wrong about talking advice to someone? I mean look at Rem or... atleast you know her. I've fought against the person who got rejected by someone who really has feelings. So I have choices to be with her.

Ozpin: Y/N please be honest... do you ever talk people advice more than 10 times? It requires alot of knowledge to understand.

Y/N: no.  ._.;

Ozpin: *sigh* if it doesn't work... then what else?

Y/N: Plan B?

Ozpin: yeah... like most shows say that.


The next day

Shouta Magatsuchi POV

I'm trying to not let go my dad uniform. I really dont want to school again with Kanna.

Shouta: DaAaAaAd.... I dont wanna gOoOo...

Y/N: come on kid! *drags* look I know Kanna is strange student but she is quiet and doesn't kill anybody or something.

Shouta: :(

Y/N: :)

I felt my shirt being tug behind...

Kanna: shouta... *looks at Y/N* who are you.

Y/N: oh its Y/N. I'm Shouta adopt- I mean uh... Shouta father. 😬

Kanna: your not cuter like Shouta.

Y/N: I notice that. Anyway see ya kid!

J-just like that!?!

Shouta: D-Dad! Dont-

Kanna: Shouta... why. Did. You. Run. Away. From. Me.

Shouta: I'm not going to jail.



Feel bad leaving Shouta behind. I maybe stupid but It felt like were a same... except the family part.

I arrived at the Hero Academy and I see Noir walking Towards me but there is a girl behind her. She looks short and has bright purple hair.

Noir: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: hm? Oh hi.

???: who's this? Is he a new employee since 2 days ago?

Noir: yup this is Y/N L/N. He maybe look young but he is actually 21 years old.

???: *gasp* 21 years old!? Your like 16 or 17-

Y/N: ya I know I get it... I heard people saying to me and it annoyed me. Can you atleast introduce yourself so I can get over it?

???: *giggles* sorry my name is Neptune.


Y/N: oh. Ok.

Neptune: ...

Y/N: what is there something in my face?

I dont know why she's trying to say something but getting a little frustrated...


My Worst Job 2 (Male Reader x Yandere Female) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now