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I'm working at the japanese park now. It's not very fun job but I do have a good amount of money to get paid.

I was sitting there in the snack bar leaning the table beside Mich with me.

Y/N: This... sucks...

I got bored somehow

Muscle Man: What is that supposed to mean?

Y/N: It means that next time we get to pick our job today. I get to pick. WHY THE HELL DID YOU PICK THE SNACK BAR? It's like the worst job in the japanese park dude.

Muscle Man: Fine... but I THINK it's the best job in japanese park...

Y/N: You don't really know that... you just dont want to admit your wrong bruh.

Muscle Man: why would I admit something I'm not?

Y/N: Mich seriously, this is more boring than seeing you trying swing your shirt around the mid air in public.

Muscle Man: Oh ya? Is it boring in your face?

Y/N: I dont know. Is more boring with my FIST in your face?

Muscle Man: Is it boring with MY fist in your face? You fag!

Y/N: Your a faggot!


We clash towards each other and made a small crack on the ground. Neptune saw this and stop us.

Neptune: Y/N, green guy stop! We can all be fags~




Y/N / Muscle Man: No way Neptune.

Neptune: atleast I stop you both. Give me a kiss Y/N~ (っ ͡> ₃ ͡<)っ

I put my palm on her face as a denied.

Y/N: not in public honey.

Muscle Man: seriously bro, you have a wierd family.

Neptune: *glare*

Muscle Man: ._.

Neptune: anyway, how is you two working at the snack bar?

Muscle Man: Its awesome!

Y/N: This place is trash...

We clash again and this time we grapple but then Neptune ask us two buy donuts to cool us down to make a truce.

We look each other for a bit then we said to her "fine..."



The sun is starting to set. Me and Mich brofist and say goodbye. Neptune went beside me happily skipped along while I just normally.

My Worst Job 2 (Male Reader x Yandere Female) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now