Chapter 8: I can't hate him.

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"I heard that you were given a group task. I know you still have 2 weeks to submit it. But I'd like to see your work so far so we can know you guys are in the right path." He smiles. All the girls in the class seem ready to scream if he made a move. I roll my eyes. "So please, feel free to put it on my desk now."

All girls in the groups walking through his desk. Even anna. All Girls giggling when Leo smiles at them. some of them start to chitchating to get Leo's attention. Some of them just appreciate the godest face that he has. Some of them make a move and start flirting with Leo, even anna. Ewh.

"Okey thank you. Let me check your work." He scans the papers on his hand and come to a realization. I know exactly what it is. "Althea, I can't find your name in any group members. What's wrong?" Everyone in the class turn their head to me. All girls give me that hate glare.

Damn it. Did he just call my name? I mean, althea? "Um, excuse me do you mean Mrs. White?"

"Yes." He just realized something. "Yes I mean, mrs.white." everyone turns their head back to Leo. "You haven't submitted your task. Is there something to explain?"

I don't know how to explain it neither! Should I say my group consists of my ex and his new gf just dumped me? And oh, I need to re start my project from a very start? "Well, I forget to bring my task today sir. I'm sorry." I never felt this humiliating in my whole life.

Leo try to observe my face. "Okay then. Please bring it for the next meeting. Btw, where is your partner?"

Now I really don't know how to answer. Will I be such a chicken for spill every things out? In front of the class? I'm about to say something when someone entering the class.

"He's right here sir. Sorry I'm late." Everyone glare at the voice came from. It's T, yes. Theron. He sits next to me. Leo's jaw drops open in surprise. Not only him. You know, me too!

"What are you doing?" I whispering.

"Save my heart" he grins. I don't know should I be blushed or scared by his words. But I think I feel both.

After a long silent Leo finally find his word. He's tense.

"You can't be her partner" Leo seems angry.

"Why not. Of course I can." T still with his expressionless face.

"You're not even part of this university."

"I'm. Still new, but I'm. You can ask the women over there. And yes hello everyone. I'm Theron. Just call me T."

Leo grips his hands in anger.
"Okay everyone class dismissed. You can go now. Mrs. White and Theron. Please stay."

Everyone seems confuse what happen in the class. It's really tense. In a minute the class is empty. There's only 3 of us.

"Althea, come here!" Leo is the first one who breaks the silence.


"Stay away from him." Leo is furious now. I take my steps to go to him. Not because I want to, just it's scary to see him like this.

"T don't!" Theron's voice stop me on my track.

"Althea please I need you to be save from him"

"This him has a name. Say it. You were so happy to call out my name before. Or at least your boss were."

The tension between them is getting worse. I even don't know what should I do. It's like starting contest between them 2 while I'm standing in the midle.

"Okey you two stop." Now I'm the one that break the silent. It's awkward you know standing between angry god and angel.
"Okey I need explanation. First. Leo. Or Mr. D'angelo. What the heck are you doing here?"

He still put his look at T. No bother to look at me. "Teaching ofcourse."

"No. I mean. Really? Why?"

Now he looks at my direction. "Zer and Par told me I should blend in with human. They said it'll be great if I do undercover rather then high key protect you like a psycho. So I studied your nature and learned that I should use clothes, walk or drive rather than fly, have a job, and mingle. So I think this job will be good cause I can protect you and keep my eyes on you. But guess what, I think I was wrong."

Wow, I'm surprised. "How can you be this and that in a night? How can you get the job? Do you even know what you doing? Where is my previous professor? Is he ok?"

"I have live for years. This is nothing to my knowledge. As an angel I have privilege and a bit help to teach here. And yes, your professor is fine. He's on long vacation with his girl." Wow, his knowledge huh? "Now please come here Althea."

Thero burst into laughs. "When did the last time you visited earth angel?"

"I don't know. When Zer had a problem with the alpha?" T is laughing harder now by Leo's respond. "What? What is it?" Leo is annoyed.

Theron manage to stop his laughs. "You know, it was hundreds years a go. No wonder you visited earth without any single clothes on you."

"Hundreds years ago? How old are you two? No wait. Zer too? How old you all guys really?" I ask.

"Oh sweet heart, you wouldn't want to know." Theron grins.

"What are you doing here?" Me and Leo snap in the same time.

"I've told you" he gives me glare

"He told you what?" Leo snap.

"I....." I'm about to explain but Theron cuts my word

"I'm going to save her... heart" he grins

Leo is furious now. "You're going to kill her? I know it! The prophecy is right! You're going to end the world. You know a piece of my heart doubt it cause I know you T! Or I knew you!"

"Don't be silly Leo. If I want to do it, I've done it since she was a baby. Or I've never saved her or her mom from her psycho grandmother!" Theron is angry now.

"What??" Me and Leo are surprise.

"What do you mean?" I can't think about it.

"Don't listen to him Althea. Gods from down there are full of tricks" leo warns me.

"No! I never lie!" T is furious now. "I've told you T. I never lie. At least to you."

Yes he told me. Now time to prove it. "Then tell me! What was happened?" I cross my hands on my chest.

Silence. Nothing. I can't read his expression.

"I have right to know T! It's my mom and granny we're talking about!" I scream in frustration.

"Not now. You're not ready."

"Why? Why not?"

"Please let me take you somewhere."

"No way! I will not let her alone with you!" Leo cross his arms too.

"I will never hurt her!" Theron snaps to Leo.

"Where?" I can't handle my curiosity. I need explanation.

"To my friends house."

"Then you'll promise me to tell everything you won't tell me?"

He pause. He seems to choose the right word to tell. "If you were anyone else, I'd say yes. But no T I can't lie to you. You're not ready. So no. But I promise you I'll tell you."

"You know what? At least Leo try really hard to save me and prove it. But you? I guess you just having fun and enjoying see me with confusen before kill me. You like to see me torture and try to make me insane with your game right?" I'm super mad right now. "So. No Theron. I'll go with Leo. And please stay away from me. You've killed my mom and granny. Honestly I don't know why I can't hate you for what you did to my parents and granny. But, now i hate you for not telling the truth. I've right to know! And it's not your right to tell me that I'm ready or not!" I left him in silence.

I run to Leo and take his wrist. I don't know where my feet take me but I really want to stay away from Theron right now.

God, why I can't hate him? Still.

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