Chapter 18: "You my friend are stupid"

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We run downstairs to find Paris's laying on the floor shaking with tears. I grab her as soon I reached her.

"Gosh Par are you okey?" I'm scanning her body from hair to toe. She seems fine no blood no scars.

"What happen Paris? Are you hurt?" Leo check on Paris's body too. Paris is still shaking seems like she's so shocked and hurt at the same time.

"Move, I'll lift her up." Theron kneel down to lift Paris to the couch.

I sit next to her on the edge of the couch while she's laying on the same couch. Leo brings water from the kitchen. He gives it to Par but she doesn't seem with us. She's not in her state of mind. Leo then standing next to Theron behind the couch. Behind me and Paris.

"Par.." I shake her body a bit to wake her up. She saw me and start crying and screaming.

I raise my head to look behind me at Theron and Leo. 3 of us just give look at eachother without knowing what happen and what to do. Leo rises his shoulders as the code for 'I don't have any idea' to Theron when he gave a glare to him.

Paris get up and sits beside me.I rub my hand on his back to calm her while she's still crying and shouting.
"Par what happen?" I ask her once when she's a bit calm.

She's sobbing and try to talk. I pity her so much. I never saw Paris like this before. She's always be the badass woman like nothing can hurt her. What is really happening to her? why she seems hurt so bad. Who did this to her?

I look around and I can't find Zer everywhere. It must be him I think. He makes her cry. I'm mad now.
"Is it Zer? How dare that dog make you cry! I'm going to kill him." I give a look to Theron. "You!" I snap and point ny finger to him.

"M.. me?" He seems surprised. He gives glare to Leo seeking for help while Leo put his innocent face then chuckling in amusement.

"Yes you! You are his boss! Now you tell me where he is!" I stand to face him. I'm about to approach Theron when Par holds my wrist.

"No it's not him." She's a bit calm now. But still crying. I sit back beside her.

"What happen Par?" I ask her once again but she's about to start crying again. Wrong decision.

Paris try to manage her self. "It's my granny."

Theron rises his brow. "Is there something happen to Laura?"

"It's.... she's..." she try to stay calm. I rub her back again to give her my support.
"She's going to die."

"What?" 3 of us really surprised by her word.

"How can you say that?" I don't get where this conversation lead to.

"I saw it. I got a vision that she will die soon." Paris explain us.

"Now you got the vision? You know what Laura is?" Theron ask Par.

"She knows, we met her. I've told you. Remember?" I remind Theron with the look of 'don't say anything stupid now'. He gets my look.

But he continue. "No I mean, she's the strongest witch on earth. Nothing can touch her."

"Wait.." now it's Leo's. "So Laura is your grandmother? I didn't know it before." Oh gosh. Now the real stupid person is comeout. he's really stupid.

"Yesssss, Leo. She's her grandmother." I can't handle the clown Leo for now. That's remind me that he's really the clown among all of us.

"Are you sure we can trust your vision? No offense. But... you're still new at this." Theron try to really careful with his words. Wow, I appreciate that.

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