chapter 12: blackout

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After we reached, Theron follows me to the class. He walks beside me and stay close to me like I don't have any personal space. People staring at us. Some of them start whispering. Theron doesn't care about people around him. His eyes always on me. We enter the class and take seat on the last row. I don't want to get more attention. He sits next to me as I predicted. I try to ignore all the eyes in the class and pretending I don't know Theron. I take my note from my bag and put it on the table and pretending to have something to read. How about Theron? He just sit there with his eyes completely on me. Gosh is he even have anything else to do?

"You look...." after a long staring he finally say something. But he hesitate for a second. "Your necklace suit your blue eyes." He turns his head to other side. Oh my mom's necklace! I rub my hand on my chest to find it. Thank God. I'm glad it's not gone from the scene last night. I grip it on my hand. I can't loose it. It's the only thing that reminds me of my mom.

"well... thanks. Remind me again why are you here?"

He smirks. "I'm your new partner remember?" Oh right.

I see Leo comes in to the class. I straighten my seat and ignore Theron.

"Good morning." now everyone is paying attention to him. Especially girls. "I have had checked your assignment. Some of you are already in the right path." He turns to scans the class and stops when he spot me and Theron. Now I know what he was looking for. He tenses but try to hide it.
"Ah, T... Theron. Or should I call you Mr...?" It seems like Leo is teasing him.

"Mr. Scmidh. Please call me T. It's sexier when you say it." Wow Theron tease back! Leo frowns because everyone in the class is chuckling.

Why do Scmidh sounds familiar to me?

"Not late this time?" He smiles but he fake it.

Theron cross his hands on his chest. "Well, I can't wait to see you... angel-o, sir." He gives Leo smile, the fake one. I feel uncomfortable here.

"I'm flattered." Leo is pretending to touch his heart. "I Guess you'll be occupied with finding your queen thing." You know annabel doll's smile? That's exactly what Leo puts on his face now.

Theron face is hard to tell. But I know he's angry. He stiffened on his seat. Locking his eyes on Leo. Right, the queen. Suddenly my mood just got ruined. How can I forget about it? I was so happy today. I start to trust him. Even I trusted him when he said we have some kind of something. Or had something, that I can't remember. Well, it wasn't exactly what he told me, but he said he knew me since forever, we've met, he knew my parent, he even said that it wasn't our first time to cuddled, or, laid together and he missed it. He missed me!! I was super happy when T finally agree to tell me everything I had missed. Like finally I can remember my exact feeling about him if theres any. And now feels like, I don't think I want to remember it anymore. What If, I really had a thing for Theron in the past? I'm glad I can't remember it. I'd rather buried it with my other 'I don't remember' memories. He belongs to the queen. I totally forget my place, I'm just a freaking cameo human in this story.

"No, Sir. I don't need the prophecy to tell me what to do. I'll write my own faith." Theron tenses.

"Right." I can't read Leo's expression. But he's back to the papers in his hands. "so about your assignment. Tricia, sheldon, and tara.." he scans the class to find them. Tricia and tara rise their hand with a wide smile try to find Leo's attention. Sheldon rises his hand in nervous. Guess? A guy can be nervous too around an angel.
"Your work is good, but please have attention to the spelling. You're not 5 aren't you?" He smiles. All class chuckle.
"Bentley and Anna." I stiffened when Leo called their group. That was my group. I need to listen carefully to the comments. For my reference. Because I did all the work! Literally from the start to the end of that papers are my work. Yet now those 2 asshole claim it as theirs and they kicked me out from the group.
"Actually your work is the best from all. The picture, explanation, everything on your work is well explained." Ben and Anna grin and hugging each other. Of course that's my work! You 2 should thank me. I can't help but roll my eyes. Thats it. My day perfectly ruined. "But, it's not OG. You know, not original." Their jaw dropped. "I've read them somewhere. And I don't appreciate copy cats. so I need you two to restart your work, or you can't pass my class." Leo winks to me. Now it's my turn to feel the joy. My day is lighten. Not much, but. Still. It's the sweetest revenge in my life! I should thank Leo later. Theron tenses beside me. But I don't care. I won't let him ruin my day.

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