Chapter 14: Ms. Jenkins

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Paris, Zer, and Leo come to my room not long after Theron's gone.

"Where the hell is that psycho God now?" Paris sits next to me on the bed.

I rise my shoulders. "He's just gone."

"Well, what happened?" Leo cross his hands on his chest. He's standing in front of me which makes his back blocking the light from my window. His blonde hair is neat and shiny. His face is tired but still angelic. Such a hot professor I admit.

"Yeah T. Par just made me call Leo while I'm busy with stuff." I can tell Zer looks like a real mess.

"What made you bring him here, especially to your room?" Leo rises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, like he knew exactly where it is."  Paris added. "Please remind me, Is he ever came here before?" Me and Zer coughing in the same time over what just Paris had say. Wow Par, you have no idea.

Leo glaring at me and Zer. "What is it?"
Before Zer could talk I cut him off.

"T, or you know, Theron said I was blackout. Like I'm unconscious but I was aware of everything. I didn't even fall to the ground, I mean, I was stand still, but my eyes turned white, plus I talked none sense, and..."

"What??" 3 of them snap in the same time. I tell them everything had happened. The moment when I was blackout from my point of view and from what Theron had said.

"Oh I definitely will kill anna. That bitch." Paris tighten her fist. That's my supportive bestfriend!

"Do you have any idea about this?" I see Leo who seems finding the answer inside his head.

"About Anna and Bentley?" Instead I got this respond from him.

I roll my eyes. "No idiot. The blackout."

"Oh.." is he really naive or stupid? "I don't know?" He seems not sure too. "What did T say?"

Wow now I'm surprised. "I didn't expect you wanna know about his opinion. Guess you two have solved your thing."

He murmurs. "Just tell me what he said."

I sigh. "He doesn't know either." Should I tell him about his plan? I hesitate a second. "But he's planning to get me to his friend house to find the--."

"Nah I don't like the idea" Leo cuts me off before I can finish it.

"Oh come on! It's not just that. Do you know I have some blocked memories? I can't remember how and why my parents and granny death. I was there though."

Zer sighs. "I don't know man, we don't have any opinions here. If Theron thinks his friend can gives us the answer, don't you think we should try it? Beside we don't have alot of options here. Anyway if he wants to hurt T, he will did it while he had a chance, which he had it. a lot. And it seems urg you know. We don't know this blackout thing is normal or not for T."

"Ofcourse it's not! She's a human!" Leo roll his eyes. And he pause, like realized something. "Wait... did you just say he had a lot of chances to be near Althea?" Leo isn't that stupid like I thought he is. And thanks Zer.

"I.... I mean..." Zer is out of words.

"I agree with Zer" Paris cut him off. Zer looks at Par in relieved. Like she saves him. "I know I had told you guys for how many times. But i had this vision. I think Theron won't bite. I mean. He's not a bad person in this story. I hate to admit my vision but, it tells me that he's an ally. I had dreams about how he always save T's butt. Even lastnight I dream about how he killed a creature or something to save you T." We all look at her in confusen. Yes I'm confuse, but I'm more like, 'how did you know all of this?'. Par is scanning our expression. "You guys think I'm crazy right?"

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