Untold Story (flashback)

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When Leo asked me to talk, I know it wouldn't be a good idea. I still pissed because he brought all the prophecy shit to Thea. Especially the mother fucking queen. I don't believe this prophecy shit. I live for my own life. Not for running the prophecy. I'm the one who decide what I'm gonna do. I don't like being told by anyone. But I always love it when it comes from Althea. I always remember how she always told me what to do, scolding me for doing a bad thing, tease me for being a cool hearted God. And I love it. Hell I miss her. I miss her laughs and how she made me laugh. I miss how she cares to me when no one else does. I miss her touch, kiss, and smile. How her blue eyes brightened when she saw me. How her long dark brown hair felt so soft in my hand. How her pretty face blushed to my touch, I don't know how stupid Bentley to left her for a chick like Anna. Obviously T is 100x prettier than her. Even Talitha can't beat her beauty. We always argue about it. Talitha used say she's prettier than Althea. Prettier my ass. When Althea grows up, Talitha also admits her beauty and change her statement to: she's the cause of Althea's beauty.
Oh I miss Talitha. I'll visit her when I have time.

"You heard about the prophecy?" Angel breaks the silent.

I roll my eyes. "How can I'm not. You throw it on my face everytime."

"Is it true?" He's concern.

"True what?" I snap. What the hell is he talking about.

"The prophecy." He looks not sure about it too. He seems doesn't believe it neither.

"I don't care about it. I'm not live for it."

"The prophecy said you'll conduct the mythical creatures to earth. And everyone knows you can't do it if you don't have your heart which will make you stronger."

I roll my eyes. "Like you care."

He's furious now "of course I'm. lis..." he tries to control him self then sighs. "Listen T. I know you. We're friends. Or were. Whatever. I know that you know where is your heart at. Cause my boss said Althea's name is shown up in the prophecy lately. Which means you already know she has it. I don't want you to kill human just to get what you want."

"Stop saying that. I don't like when you say her name like she's not important. She's important to me. I will never kill her." I snap. "This is my Althea we're talking about. She doesn't know she's gorgeous. Instead she's being insecure about herself. She doesn't know how people on the hall turn their head 180° when she pass, and I swear I really want to break their head. she brings joy to everyone. Her personality suits her face. Pretty." I take a deep a heavy breath.

Leo seems surprised. "You love her."

"Yes! I love her. Since the first time I saw her. I love her since she was born. I took care of her since then. I promise to give my life for her. I always been there since she was little."

"Wow stop there." He see me as a pedhopil.

"What? No! Of course I'm not a psycho you ass! Our love grow when she was 16. And I never touch her till she's mature enough! she was there when I killed her psycho grandmother. Tragic because it was an hour before she turned 17 but I don't care, I saved her that night. She lived with her since she was 13. Yeah when her parent had an accident and killed them both. At least that's what her psycho granny said. But I know it wasn't true. Because I know the real story and T too! But her granny bitch did something to her brain, she can't remember almost everything important to her life! Even she can't remember me." I feel the ache on me even I don't have my heart now. "Her grandmother has so many untold stories. And she's not a good person."

"How can you love her. You will hurt her! You belongs to the queen."

"I don't care about that hybrid bitch. I love T, only Althea."

Leo seems pity on me. "I'm confused. I was sent here to protect Althea. You seemed like the bad guy from my boss story. Instead I found you.. love.. her?"

"You don't need to understand. Just believe me I won't hurt her."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Something big is coming. I can feel it. And someone try to end the world. Someone breaks into the system. Our law being sabotage. I know you such a loyal angel and wouldn't doubt any command, but can't you trust your instinct for once. Or trust mine. Choose to believe me now or never. Before it's too late. You care about the world safety right? Trust me, me too. Cause someone that I love live on it."

Leo seems to calculate everything. He study my face try to find some lacks of what I just told him. But I'm not lying now. He takes a long sighs. "Just let me think about it. It's not easy for me, you know.. to just being a rough. But I promise I'll try to understand what you said." I smile in victory.

"But... I still won't let Althea near you. At least alone."

I grins. "Fine."

You have no idea we always love to be alone together.

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