chapter two

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Jess' face was cold

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Jess' face was cold. After what she'd witnessed in her home town, Scotland, she had to move.

The memories would flood through her brain when she'd close her eyes or whenever she walked those familiar streets. So she moved to London, across the UK, hoping never to return to that awful place again.

Her eyes started glistening as she walked to her new school, but as she was given the view of the college she was now attending, she became emotionless.

People stared at the small girl, some in confusion, some In lust. Jess gripped the rambo knife, which laid beneath her jumper at her waistband as people gave her these looks.

Her eyes never left the ground as she walked up to the set of double doors, her hands raising to push them open. The force caused the doors to hit against the walls causing even more attention to be brought upon the girl- only increasing her annoyed attitude.

She slowly made her way to the receptionist who was joyfully chatting away to one of the teachers while chewing her gum. Once their conversation was over, she turned to the girl.

"Oh hello, you must be the new girl." A brunette middle-aged woman said causing Jess to huff and roll her eyes at the squeaky voice, "Here's your timetable, we'll get a student to show you around"

The squeaky voice turned into a sneer once the woman noticed the bored expression sitting using the girl's face.

Jess smirked to herself already liking the way she was pissing people off.

"I'm here for the new girl," A dark skin boy, rather much taller than Jess said coming into the office.

"Yes, this is Jessica," The squeaky voice said before going back to her work. The boy turned to Jess, eyeing her up as she kissed her teeth.

"I've got English," the girl mumbled shoving her timetable in the boy's face. The boy chuckled before walking away from the girl, leaving Jess to catch up without a word.

Once she caught up the boy spoke, "I'm manny"

With no reply, the boy glanced over to the smaller girl, "Not much of a talker are we," he chuckled out.

Jess glared at the boy before mumbling, "I don't like people,"

Manny pouted playfully, "Aww I was hoping we could be friends"

The boy then stopped walking, knocking on a door that jess could only assume was her class.

"I'm not the friendly type" Jess sneered in return before the door to the room opened, an old lady smiling as she opened the door, allowing the two in.

"Manny I assume you're late because of showing the new girl here," Manny nodded at the woman before taking his seat, leaving Jess to awkwardly stand at the front of the room.

"Tell us your name and something about yourself" The teacher's voice was loud as she spoke and for a second the girl was impressed by the authority despite the woman being so old.

Jess hummed slightly before mumbling out, "I'm Jess and I'm from Scotland"

"Okay, you can sit next to Manny and Lucy." The teacher pointed over to the two leaving Jess to walk over and sit down.

The girl slumped in her seat, her jumper rising slightly causing the cold, shiny metal that laid at her waistband to be seen.

She sighed as she felt the exposed metal- pulling the clothing down so it covered the sharp metal.

"Bad girl huh?" Manny mumbled from beside the small girl. She side-eyed the boy, daring him to say something, watching him shift slightly, a scared look on his face before he looked away.

"Don't start on him." The girl from the other side of her said.

Jess scoffed turning her head to eye her. "I ain't doing shit" She mumbled, chuckling.

The girl glared as the bell rang causing Jess to smirk as she stood, walking out of the classroom without batting an eyelash to anyone.

Jess walked out of the school doors as the lunch bell rang. Her hand gripped her rambo as people began to stare at the girl as she passed them.

"Jesssss.." The girl groaned at Manny's voice.

The taller boy hadn't left her side all day and she was starting to get tired of it. She kept mentioning that she wasn't a people's person but he instead, ignored her words-determined to get her to talk to him.

"So basically-"

"Listen if you don't leave me alone, imma have to make you" Manny sighed looking down. He was about to say something when a familiar group of people came up to them.


Tobi's eyes squinted at the sight of his brother talking to someone when he clearly stated for him not to.

"Who's Manny talking to?" Tobi grumbled to the group surrounding him as he watched his younger brother attempt to talk to the mysterious person.

"That's the new girl, she-" Lucy couldn't say much more because Tobi had already started walking over to the younger pair.

The group were lucky to vary in ages, meaning they all had eyes on each other. Lucy and manny being the youngest, JJ being the oldest, leaving the rest to be scattered between the two ages.

"Manny, what are you doing?" The boy that stood in front of Jess looked shocked as if he was a toddler getting told off.

"U-umm," Manny was clearly scared of the boy that approached him. But this boy and Manny looked alike, causing Jess to think. Possibly brothers.

People looked on in shock as they saw the new girl look tiredly upon the most dangerous gang in London.

"Get into the school, now." The older boy sneered making Manny scuttle away. The girl chuckled making the unknown boy turn to her.

"Do not talk to my brother again" He sneered getting in Jess' face.

"What will happen if I do" The girl teased, a smirk itching its way onto her face. She liked the way she was pissing the boy off, his temper seemingly low as he turned red in his face.

Tobi leaned forward, his hand gripping the younger girls, pulling it to his waist.

A knife. A smirk was imprinted on his face but vanished as Jess dragged his hand to her own waist almost as quickly as he did hers, making sure he knew what she was on.

The girl chuckled at his expression on the boys face, it was priceless, to say the least.

Shaking her head, the girl pulled out a cigarette, lighting it as she sent a wink up to the boy before walking away.

"DO NOT GO NEAR MY BROTHER!" Tobi yelled, angered at the small girl and her reply.




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