chapter twenty-two

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Jed had been staying with Jess , there not being enough rooms in the sidemen house for the boy to stay despite how big the house was. So Jess suggested he'd stay with her to which Tobi agreed knowing she would look after his brother , and anyway the sidemen seemed to be over at the girls penthouse every day.

Jess and Jed were currently in the girls room , talking about their pasts. "Well when they got our family and shot me , it had affected my speech for a bit but i had learned to do things again , however i can only really hear out of my left ear. I had been declared dead when the ambulance crew had found me but some how i pulled through , i was then in a coma for a year until i came looking for Tobi , i heard he was alive through all the talk about the sidemen , things happened while i tried looking for him and now i' here"

Jed had finished talking , digging his spoon into his ice cream as he uttered his next sentence "What about you , Jessica? What's your story" The small girl chuckled beginning to speak ,

"I was twelve when it started , i found my dad beating on my mum , he had seen me which got him angrier and he continued to take his anger out on me. That was the first time i had witnessed how dangerous he was. The next day , i was awoken when i heard my mothers screams , I tried to help her but he wouldn't let me , he made me watch him rape her before he beat her to death,"

Jess took a breath placing her now empty bowl on her bedside table , Jed copying her actions as she continue to speak ,"He then forced himself on me , doing the exact same thing he did to my mum to me , i tried to fight back , that's what made him realise  i wasn't like my mother , i would fight back. But he was stronger than me. After he did what he did , he sent me to my room where i remember i took numerous showers , feeling dirty-used. The same night i tried to overdose on his molly , as he was a drug dealer. He found me , beat me , he even got his brother to join in , the two were monsters. Then my father did this,"

She showed her scar that read slut on her arm , causing Jed to trace it , sighing before the girl continue on once again "I was then dragged into the street life by him and my uncle , where they had sold me off a few times for drug where i was used , the first time he got me back after selling me for a few hours he did this,"

Jess lifted her jumper slightly showing her scar on her stomach , 'You're mine' , is what it read. Jed pulled the girl to his chest as she took a breath , "Then i began to kill people , he forced me to do it , they had families , but i became used to it , it was like a hobby . He then pulled me out of school , i only went back once i came here. I finally ran away from him knowing that the feds couldn't do anything about it because then they'd find out what he did , then i came here and met your brothers."

The girls voice got quieter as she finished , tears strolling down her face as her head leant on the boys chest. He felt deeply sorry for the girl , wanting nothing more than to protect the small girl that led in his arms. 

"He's gone now, you're safe , these scars don't define who you are but define your fight through a tough time and look , you're still here" Jed mumbled , his hand going to the girls hair , playing with her hair.

The sidemen had burst in the room , not knowing the situation. Their chats stopping as they saw the small blonde girl curled up , crying in Jed's arms. A tear escaping his own eye. Jess couldn't bring herself to stop the tears sliding down her face. She didn't care anymore. Manny had moved over to the two on the bed , bringing Jess into his own arms. The girl glanced up at the boy , her cries slowing down slightly. The sidemen , including Jed had made their way outside of the girls room, leaving Manny to hold Jess as she got herself together.

 Telling her story for the first time had made a lot of emotions overwhelm her but she felt herself become less angry. "Come on , you'er okay"Manny soothed out to his best friend. Jess wiped her eyes , standing up , letting out a mumble "I'm fine" Before bringing her best friend into her arms. 

They embraced for a moment before Manny dragged the girl out of her room and into the living room , where the sidemen were situated. "Anyone want a take away?" Jess asked , acting like she didn't just have a mental break down. "Can we get kebabs?" Lucy spoke causing Manny and Jess to glance at each other , Tobi also looking over at the two , knowing they were thinking of the bridge incident.

"Yeh , we can get some pizza's as well," Jess mumbled going onto the uber eats website , she ordered the food before walking into her kitchen , gripping the counter with such frustration. Why did she have to get so close to the group? Why did she tell Jed her story? 

The girl turned , her back being against the counter as she slipped her phone into her hoodie pocket before glancing up , jumping at the figure in front of her , "Tobi...?" The girl questioned , breathlessly but the boy didn't speak. He took a few steps forward , grabbing the girls waist gently. Jess felt her breathing hitch as Tobi leaned in , staring at her lips. Jess contemplated , gulping before pulling the boy in , their lips meeting , both grasping onto each other.

 Tobi's hands stayed on the girls waist as Jess' reached up to caress the olders cheek. The boy soon became bored of the slow intimate kiss and dipped his hand to the girls ass , giving it a harsh squeeze , Jess gasping at his sudden action allowing Tobi's tongue to slip into her mouth.

Jess arms wrapped around the boy's shoulders as he picked the girl up ,gently placing her on the kitchen counter. His lips left the girls , trailing down to the girl neck , placing small kisses on it before sucking , his hands rubbing the girls thighs.

Before things could go further , a loud knock interrupted them. The two pulled away from each other , looking towards the noise. 

"Foods here" Simone smirked at the two , before awkwardly leaving , causing Tobi to let out a small chuckle and an embarrassed Jess to blush.

Soooooo the next chapter is the last one of the first book ;-0

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