Chapter 2

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"You should have seen how much of a cool move I pulled during the match! I was like boom, boom, pow pow, and that goddamn lucky guy is down! Hey! Hey! Were you listening?! Hey!"

"Joker, for goodness' sake! You only eliminated one out of eight survivors! Not to mention the seven of them were running on low speed yet you can't even keep up with it! I had to do all the work for us!"

This is it. The conversations I get to hear every single day and night.
All from the dining table in the first floor.

My room, which honestly isn't even mine but that is basically the one I've been given to stay in, is located at the very edge of the third floor corridor yet I still hear those yells and talks as if it is pretty close to where I am.

I had gotten used to considering this manor my home though I pretty much don't know anyone yet but Michiko and Jack.

"How are you now, Joseph? Got enough rest?" Michiko asked, letting herself sit on the spot next to my bed.

"I've gotten a whole lot better in these 3 days of being here. Thanks for the kindness tho. Really appreciate--"


"What was that?" I flinched as reflex.

"Probably just Joker and the Wu Chang brothers going berserk all over again after the match they had earlier. Just the stuff those two do everytime one of them messes up...." She said while giving me her iconic motherlike smile.

My right eye twitched the moment I heard the word match.

What is this match they keep on talking about?

Why haven't I been picked to play in it yet?

"Come to think of it, Joseph, you should come with me. You haven't met everyone here but me and Jack. Not to mention you are not even familiar with this place. Let me show you around."

I then stood up, only to realize I had done it too fast that the surge of pain came back to my head.

"Joseph!" Michiko yelled, reaching out for me.
"Does your head still hurt? Do you need more rest?"
"I'm fine. I just stood up too fast. Don't worry, Michiko. I'm well enough to walk now.." I said as I stood up, hands leaning on her for support.

"Everyone, settle down! I have a few things to tell you!"

Michiko had gathered everyone in this Hunters' Side in the dining room.
Judging from the way she acts, I have a feeling that she is like a mom to everyone here, despite the most of us being in the same age.

"Ooh! Someone new!" Said a really tall man with an umbrella in his hands.
I'm assuming he is one of the Wu Chang brothers. The way he looks explains it all.

"So the lil' French man has risen from his slumber, eh?" He said again, crouching down to look at me.

Dammit. Please don't bring it up. Not right now.

"Fan Wu Jiu and Xie Bi An. Please stop." Michiko said, glaring at the two as she floats a little bit higher from her current position.

Sometimes I tend to forget that Michiko doesn't use her legs to move.

"Okay so everyone, this is Joseph. He just came here three days ago. Now I know what you all think. You guys knew I was the one who brought him here due to the fact that he needs help. My only hope is that we will get along!"

Everyone threw me glances.

I expected them to feel insecure with me being there, but it was the other way around.

2 minutes was all I need to know everyone's names and skills.

And soon enough, it was time for curfew. Everyone had went back to their rooms, except for Michiko, who had followed me to my room, for she has something to talk to me.

"So how do you think of them all?" She asked as I closed the room door.

"Not bad. They are all good, even Joker and the Wu Changs. They aren't as annoying."

"Great! I was actually afraid you won't be getting along with anyone, but it turns out I don't need to worry about it after all." She said, smiling.

I gave her a thumbs-up.

"Oh by the way, Joseph, you were holding to this when I found you unconscious back then. I suppose it's something you treasure the most."

I looked at her hands as she handed it over to me.

The photo frame.

"I also realized you've been off ever since the hunters out there talked about skills. Is something wrong with the way it goes for you?"

By now my lips were trembling as I held into the photo frame. Tears are forming in my eyes.


"Michiko... I... I...."

"Hey. No one here forces you to tell it out. We'll just see it in the matches--"

"No. I need to tell you. These cameras being set here..."


"They are my skills."

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