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Hey there, fella readers! It's me again!

First of all, I would like to say sorry for not updating anything for ONE FULL WEEK, and the messy update schedule.  Like I am legit sorry.

I really did not want it to happen, but it's like reality went all its way on me, starting from uni classes to personal issues, but here I am! Alive and going!

Anyways, I hope yall enjoy this one chapter! Most importantly, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ON THIS STORY! We finally reached 36K!

You guys really know how to make my day, eh? ^.^



"You're a no one."

"No one needs you."

"It would be better for the world to lose you, for you are nothing but a man with no memories."


The voices. The only thing I get to encounter amidst the endless void encasing me, with nothing and no one to lean on.

With the remnants of energy left in me, I ventured deeper, counting on the last tinge of hope, which I can feel it fading out, even from every breath I take.

I just..... don't know anymore.

The choice of ending myself had never been so tempting before....

"Not more of this. Oh for the love of God...."

I bit the insides of my cheeks as the Doctor took a grip of my right arm where a long bleeding gash had formed, the redness staining the whole sleeve.
"That's some deep cut there. I'll tend to it after that of Eli's. I'll have William look over it for the time being."

Eli himself was not in a good state either. The match in Moonlit River Park earlier had done quite lots of numbers on him. Despite the fact that he was spared, he had been hit a lot in the process, even his owl was injured in the wings.

A cut had formed on his back, cheeks, and not to mention his both arms.

I cannot imagine how much of a painful state he is in especially with the fact that he lost the function of his two eyes.

I do know he is the only one with the Great Eye, but there are times when it is not enough, and the match earlier happened to be one of those moments.

"Goodness gracious. May I ask who the hunter was during that match? I had quite a hard time keeping track of Helena and Vera and now I'm gonna have an even harder time doing the same on you dudes. Holy fuck." William the Forward chimed in as Emily told him to get all the necessities.

"William. You saw that matching details." The Doctor said, helping the Seer to lie down on his stomach.
"Jack matched them up with the Photographer."

"Holy donuts!" The Forward yelled out.
"Had no idea a man with that look is capable of putting out something like this. Look at all the strains he caused!"

"Will, you did know that hunter had once been a fencer, right?"

"Ah.... yes. Great point...."

I had my attention on the Seer as Emily and William kept on throwing facts about the new hunter. And for the first time within all the months I have spent befriending him,

Something is not right. It definitely is not right.

No one was discreet enough to notice it, but I could hear muffled growls coming out from the back of Eli's throat the moment Emily mentioned the Photographer's name.

I have never seen Eli this way before, and I do not like it.

"Um. If there's one thing I'd like to ask about these injuries, Eli, you were the only one spared. How is it that you're the one who sustained most of the damage, out of the other three?" William asked, signalling me to stretch my gashed arm out.


"Eli Clark. Dude. I am asking you a question. And when I do, I expect an answer." The Forward said again, the tone of irritation taking over his whole voice.

Still nothing. The Seer was not even looking at him. He was not even listening.

If someone as friendly and gentle as Eli goes silent, that means danger.

I can tell that the whole situation is not going to end well, so I decided to step up.

"Um, William, I think you should give him some time..."


"I mean what I said. Both Eli and I have had quite a match, and with these injuries, it is better for you to not ask questions like this to us, at least till we actually get better...?" I said as I bit my lip.

I was actually scared, for I am beyond aware of how easy it is for the Forward to blow off steam once his caring feelings are ignored. An athlete instinct, they said.

But in my opinion, it is just the Forward's curiousity kicking in.

I had no more time to invest further on those thoughts, for the Doctor is now standing still next to my arm, her eyes studying the details.

"Naib, this is a deep cut, and there is no other way aside from me having to patch it up..."

I tsked as the word 'patch' registered inside my head. I have never seen one do it right before my eyes, and as much as I hate it, here I am being the one having to deal with it.

That was when I felt something hit me.

The scar on my head.

I still have no recollections of how it happened and whom I had dealt with before I was thrown and left in this state, but there is this feeling in my gut that keeps on telling me that I had once experienced something similar back then.

I just need to find out what it is.

The last thing I saw before everything around me went black was Emily and William telling me to stay still, my ears picking up the desperate apologies coming out of the Doctor's lips as she injected something into my system.


I let out a slight groan. I still felt numb, and opening one of my eyes has never been this much of a strain before.

"Naib Subedar. Hey. Can you hear me?"

It was the moment where all my senses started coming back to me. The pain in my head. The numb and aching feel radiating from my right arm. And worse of all, my own thoughts.

Emily must have given me anesthesia or any of that stuff just before she patched my damaged arm up, now that the pain is back. An excruciating one.

Ignoring the headache pounding from the inside of my skull, I fluttered both my eyes open, and to my surprise, the one who was talking was none other than the one I had least expected.


"How are you? I'm sorry Em had to do that to you.. but you were thrashing around so much and there was no way to stop you. I am sorry for not doing anything as well."

I stared at the Seer as he talked. He surely is not doing good as well, as seen from the number of bandages and bits of bloodstains smothering it. Yet at the same time, he is proficient enough to hide all his pain off.

"H....huh? What do you mean I was thrashing around?" I asked, my voice being more coarse than ever. I may or may not have been out cold for a few hours, or even more.

The Seer stayed quiet, his hands petting his owl which was asleep next to him.

"I hate it to break it to you, but Naib-"

I feel chills go down my spine, despite the Seer still not finished with his words.

"It's like you were reacting to Em the same way you had reacted to a traumatic incident in the past."

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