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"That 2v8 session really did went well, right bro?"

I let out a relieved sigh as I stretched my right hand upwards, driving all the tensity away. All these hours and the only thing I have been doing is writing all the new guy's abilities in my very own records.

"I mean, Leo's puppets managed to secure Kurt's elimination back to their side of the manor, and Bi An's accuracy with that umbrella is- wow! I swear if I were to be there by his side during the match I would have summoned my whole stack of tentacles in excitement! That was one heck of a good match, though that explorer will have to take some time for recuperation, but-"

I stayed quiet as I fixed the position of my mask, my inner self thanking my past for being used to deal with hyperactive talkers. I really feel like stuffing his cloaked face with all my books, especially with the number of thoughts I am having right now.

I had my attention fully on Joseph the Photographer. Despite being only few hours have passed since the first time he had fell unconscious here, he is now talking with every of the other hunters, hands on his camera once in a few seconds.

Must have been signs of unwillingness.

"By the way, new man, what's this skills about cameras you have? Tell me more!"

I frowned for a brief second as Joseph let out the words replicate. No one else in this manor have been able to do so, even the WuChang Brothers.

What is his skills?

I bit my lip. Over the feeling of uncertainty building in me right now, I can't help but feel the urge of putting him in the upcoming matches.

By now Joker, with his curiousity and childish demeanor, is dropping all sorts of questions for Joseph to answer, and I have to say I am amused that the Photographer is able to not snap up.

It was when the familiar blare of the emergency alarm came from that of the matchmaking room, the place where I and Hastur decide participants for every match.

I then stood up, in which the Feaster followed. There must be some commotion going in the other side of the manor, and it had gotten to the level   where things are going beyond control.

"What is it, Emily Dyer?" I asked the moment I saw the Doctor standing there in the room, the look of irritation and concern being plastered all over her face.

The matchmaking room is the second place in the manor aside from the garden, that connects both the hunters and the survivors' side. Every single match I came up with was done and announced here.

"Jack. I know this is a bit too sudden, but if you're about to plan a match a few hours from now, please kindly cancel it. An emergency situation has happened to Aesop and he is in a very serious state right now." She said, an audible faint sob coming out of her.

I took a deep breath, digesting her every word.
"Okay, understood. Let me know once he gets better."

My left hand is now a fist as I had it in my back. My initial intention was to put  that embalmer guy going against Joseph in the next match shift, yet it is all ruined now.

The Doctor nodded her okay before immediately heading back to her side, leaving me and Hastur still in the same spot.

"Cancelled, eh? But your match draft-"

"Shush, Hastur. It is a condition I can't control. None of us can. I'll just let everyone in our side know."

"What? The upcoming match has been cancelled?!"

I was immediately greeted by Joker's loud voice as the news escaped my lips.

"Yeah. An emergency signal from the survivors. It seems like one of them got terribly sick that he's pretty much ineligible to play."

"Aw man! I wanted to show the new man who's the best of it all! By the way, camera man, you still owe me an explanation!"

The Clown then stomped away, along with me signalling everyone else to call it a day.

"Wait, matches can actually be cancelled?" Joseph asked, putting back the camera he has been holding.

"Yeah, as long as it is a really emergency situation." Michiko explained. Honestly, I would love to thank her for doing a bit of my work for me.

"Well.... just as I thought. The survivor that got sick is that young man again!" Leo said, putting down his bat.

"Something is definitely wrong with that embalmer." Hastur whispered to me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"We have to look further into his files."

I nodded as I approached the Feaster.
"The last time I noted all his skills, I did not take his health concerns into account. What's wrong with the embalmer?"

"Yes, Jack." Leo shot out of nowhere, causing a moment of awkwardness to occur among all of us.

".... Um, Jack wasn't talking to you, Leo, but okay, I'll just take in everything you say. We for sure knew that the Embalmer's name is Aesop, duh!" Hastur piper in, causing me to laugh.

I then noticed Joseph, only to find him staring blankly at the table.

I had to do something.

"Joseph, let's head back. We have nothing to do now that the match is cancelled. Too bad. I wanted to show you what it's like."

The Photographer nodded as he let out a faint smile.

"Okay. You go ahead."

I gave him a pat on the shoulder before going back my way.

"That guy gets sick a lot despite his height. Wonder what's wrong with him..." I muttered to myself as I opened the door leading to my room.

Throwing myself on the bed, I deliberately took off my mask. These few days have been hard for me, especially since Michiko found out about the main reason behind my existence in this manor.

I closed my eyes, holding back thousands of emotions from bursting out. I have not seen him at all today, and I really am unable to accept that.

Naib Subedar,
Why does all this have to happen to you?

Fate (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now