Exclusive Chapter: Naib

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"Mr. Subedar's levels are plummeting! We need to proceed to resuscitation!"

"He's losing too much blood! There's nothing we can do!"

"But we got the bullet out of his system! Check for more abnormalities!"

Those voices. The voices that are crystal clear inside the Mercenary's head.

The Mercenary held his head, for a slight pain had surged through it.

It was a cold night, and it was raining.
With no one to lean on and no memories of everything that happened to him before, the Mercenary kept walking, going to whatever place his legs could carry him.

Hugging himself tight as he pulled his green hoodie on, he came straight to a manor that is deep within the woods, a place where no random people would make their appearance on.

The feeling of despair and fatigue wrapped him in a blanket of thoughts as he knocked on the door.

"Can I help you?"

A young woman with a medical kit in her left hand answered the door, and to the biggest surprise of her life the woman came, for the Mercenary could no longer manage all the strains.

To the ground he collapsed, and the woman, with all the first-aid training she had back then, took the unconscious Mercenary in.

Hours passed, and back to his senses the Mercenary came.

He had a palm on his head as he sat up, studying his surroundings.

The Mercenary has never been good with adapting in new places, and he cannot help but feel anxious and worried.

Just then, the woman he had met earlier opened the door, and tended to him in a gentle manner.

"How are you? You were exhausted pretty bad, not to mention the stormy weather outside. You happen to be lucky, for you are currently being well treated here!"

The Mercenary sat still, not moving a muscle. Anxiety and insecurity had built inside him, for he had stumbled into a place he barely knew, and a person that is totally foreign to him.

"I... I'm fine..." He said, his eyes now meeting with the woman.

"Have this warm tea I brewed to tense all your muscles off. In case if you ask, my name is Emily Dyer and I happen to be the only doctor in this place. I know we kinda met in the most unexpected way possible, but it is nice to meet you!"

The Mercenary smiled, but at the same time the anxiety inside him had built up even more.

Counting on the one thing he has been wanting to know all these hours, he called the woman's name, and let out the very question that had been bothering him.

"Oh! You are a curious one, yeah?"

The Mercenary nodded, and telling her his name he instantly did.

"Again, it is nice to meet you, Mr. Naib Subedar, and welcome to Oletus Manor!"
Okay, so this is it! The prologue to the next upcoming exclusive chapters after the plot completion of Fate!
Oh, and I just wanna let yall know that there will be two exclusive chapters, one for Naib and the other for Aesop! Yes, you did not read that wrong!
In other words, this book will still go on for a long amount of time! :3

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