Chapter 35

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"Hey, you're doing a whole lot better now! The last time I checked on you, your breathing was not this steady and you would flinch everytime I redress it! But look at you now!"

I held into Aesop's hand as Emily keeps on talking. This is the only thing being fed to both Aesop and my ears, and believe me, the feeling I have for that is nowhere near liking.

And I believe it is way more harsher for him, for he is the one to bear the burden.

"You're now breathing on your own, without the need of the oxygen mask, which is good news! Just a little bit more and you will be out of this ER and back to your room!" The Doctor smiled as she reached for her medical kit, putting all her syringes inside.

Aesop nodded as he laid his head back into the pillow. Sleep was not on his side earlier today, as I was there to witness every of it.

He was tossing and turning all night, probably because of the amount of pain he is in.

His eyes was starting to close, and he immediately dozed off after giving me a brief wink.

"Joseph..." Emily said, her hand tapping my palm as she fixed the blanket covering the Embalmer's body.
"Can we talk in private... please?"

Sweat coated my whole body as Emily let all the words out. Didn't she say Aesop is getting better?

But why.....

I decided to dismiss the feeling of bursting all my anger and the uneasiness out to the back of my head as the two of us walked to the garden in silence.

I swallowed as Emily turned over to look at me with all the silence aura surrounding us. I don't need anyone letting me know that once Emily goes silent on moments like this, it definitely is something that is not okay to bear.

"So.... what is all this about?" I asked, the feeling of regret instantly creeping all its way to my heart the moment I realized I had said those words.

"Joseph....." the Doctor sighed.
"It's about Aesop....."

It's about Aesop.

My mind went into a total blank.
Just.... what is going on here?

The fact that Aesop will be back to his old self had came out of her own lips!

What is it now?

I bit my lip, giving all my might to tone down the anxiety that is raving wild inside me.

I had once been in this kind of situation too.

Is all that feeling better stuff... just a lie?

"But you said... he is getting better and better...." I sighed, leaning on one of the trees for support.
"Don't give him false hope, Emily. He's struggling hard himself too...."

Emily smiled at me as she shifted her standing position.
"No. Joseph. He indeed is getting better and is recovering nicely. It's just, there is this one thing that I have to let you be the one letting him know about this....."

I took deep breaths as she moved closer to where I am.

"The wounds and scratches do heal,
but the scars stay."

I felt like crashing down as she finishes her words.

The scars stay.

"Are... you saying that the scars won't heal even after he's back to his old self?" I asked, the urge to cry getting stronger within every word.

Emily gave nothing but a weak nod.

"Isn't there something you can do?!"

Emily might not know it, but that incident where Jack had plunged his claws to Aesop's chest had became the biggest trauma source of the Embalmer's life.

I remember it clearly the moment Aesop looked through the scratches on his chest as Emily was checking on it and he ended up having a breakdown to the point where he would cry out his mother's name.

And this fact.... is pretty much going to kill him. Even with me being the one bringing it up to him will not help.

"The Ripper's claws had tore through too deep that it will become a permanent part of his skin.. I am so sorry, Joseph.... I did everything I could...."

By now my mind had gone into an absolute mess.

I did everything I could means nothing to me, for it does not bring everything that has happened back to the way it was.

It is just the defense mechanism doctors have.

It was not long before I noticed a tall figure of a guy with a brown coat making all his way to the ER.

Anxiety rushed even more through me.

It can't be Jack, is it?

"What do you mean I'm sorry?! It was pretty obvious you nearly killed him! You made him suffer yet you think saying a bunch of sorries will make everything better?!"

Here I am, having a face-to-face conversation with yours truly. My hunch about the tall figure being none other than Jack was right.

"You made him suffer from acute trauma, Jack."

The Ripper said nothing as he sat on his knees.

He was not wearing his mask and his usual attire. His short dark hair is a mess and instead of going in a formal clothing the way he goes in matches, his outfit was nothing but a pair of baggy sweats.

"Joseph. I know I did wrong. Please. Let me talk and apologize to him. I really mean what I said. Please....."

I wanted to yell at him to go away, but something inside me keeps on telling me that the Ripper is telling the truth, and not to mention the amount of despair in his voice as he talks.

"Fine." I hissed, ignoring his gaze on me.
"But keep in mind that you're still nowhere near forgiven. Mess up one time and I'll end you myself."

I sheathed my sword at his back as he slowly walks inside.

Aesop was still sleeping as we got in, the look of weariness drawn all over his face. Dark bags had made their clear presence under his eyes despite the nap he is in, not to mention the laboured rise and fall of his chest as he let out his breaths.

He is still recovering, and the fact that he had regained his ability to breathe on his own does nothing much of an impact.

No matter what it is, it was his chest that had been badly wounded. Pretty close to where his lungs are.

I kept my eye on the Ripper as he stood next to Aesop's sleeping figure.

Seriously. I know he is feeling remorseful right now but still.... I don't trust him. At all.

It was when the Ripper kneeled to Aesop's level, letting out something I never expected it would be coming out of him.

"I'm sorry, Aesop. I'll atone for everything I've done to you. I will."

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