Chapter 2.1 ✔︎

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At first Seokjin had been happy when Jimin had volunteered to bring Yoongi his back since his own relationship with the rapper had been strained recently, but after a few minutes – that he had spent struggling to get Taehyung and Jungkook off him – the guilt started setting in. He shouldn't feel relieved about getting to avoid the younger, yet he was. His mind was trying to reason with him that it was better for Jimin to go to Yoongi than him since the rapper had a soft spot for the third youngest and would be more likely to let the singer in, but the feeling of wrongness only seemed to grow.

He had been dumbfounded when Jimin had come back to the practice room with Yoongi's bag still hanging from his hand as he had truly believed that the rapper's closeness with the singer would have made a difference, but when he heard that the other had completely ignored Jimin as if he didn't exist and had shut the door to the studio in his face he could see that he had put too much faith into the thought.

He knew that Yoongi had been stressing about things – unknown to the eldest – lately, but that still didn't excuse the younger male's actions towards Jimin. He had been tempted to go to the rapper's studio to get answers, but without one of the managers or Yoongi himself opening the door – which was very unlikely to happen – he wouldn't be able to get it, so the thought had quickly left him again.

He wanted to help his eldest dongsaeng, but he didn't know how to do so since the younger would always brush him off whenever he asked what was wrong. He had tried to do things that he knew the rapper liked, but it only seemed to have made Yoongi drift further away from not only him but the five others as well.

The door to the room opened and he was pulled out of his thoughts.

"Guys are you ready to go? Sejin hyung has pulled the van up outside, and Taehyung and Jungkook are already seated," Namjoon voiced as the door started closing behind him. Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin's heads turned to the leader.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked. When he had walked back to the practice room to tell everyone that a van was parked out front and ready to take them home he had found Taehyung and Jungkook sitting against the wall in the hallway right outside the door, cuddled up in each other's arm and half asleep, so he had expected to find the last four members in the dance studio, but instead of four he was only met by three.

"Hyung went to his studio again," Hoseok signed, his voice laced with barely contained worry. He had turned his gaze away from the leader again when the other 94'er had questioned the eldest rapper's whereabouts and was pulling Taehyung's forgotten practice bag onto his left arm where the straps of his own bag were already resting in the crook of his elbow.

Seokjin saw his dongsaeng struggle with the extra weight placed on his tired muscles and went to take Taehyung's bag back off the younger's arm and onto his own so both of them were carrying a bag on one of their arms and on their backs. Jimin seeing what the eldest was doing hefted his own practice bag over his right shoulder and moved Yoongi's further up his arm so the bag's straps wouldn't continue to cut into the sensitive skin of his palm.

"How many days is he up on now?" Namjoon asked as walked over to pick his own bag off the floor, shooting a worried glance up at the eldest in the room when he passed him. He already knew how many days it had been, but he needed someone else to speak the number that was projecting itself at the forefront of his mind.

"Three. He's going to burn out if he continues doing this. It's not healthy," Seokjin answered, the corners of his mouth dragging down into a frown, and turned around to face Namjoon so he could reach towards the younger with an open hand. A gesture that despite having no words attached to it was a clear sign of the eldest asking for the other's comforting presence.

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