Chapter 10.3 ✔︎

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Yoongi watched, eyes narrowing further and eyelids almost falling shut when the overhead lights seemed to brighten for a second and his head throbbed, as the two exchanged hurried words that were mouthed too quickly for his brain to keep up with. He could feel a yawn slowly work its way up his throat, and, this time, he didn't fight it back down.


He must have nodded off at some point, cause next thing he knew, he was being jerked back to his senses by the sudden loud music that had started playing from the speakers mounted onto the wall less than a meter away from him. Despite the music not being played at as high a volume as it usually was – which he guessed was the other members' attempt at being considerate of him – the sound still grated at his ears and made his head pulsate with a newfound strength that was harsh enough to send flashes of white rapidly crawling across his vision.

Through the slits of his barely raised eyelids, Yoongi saw as the others started getting up from the floor and into formation. A part of the rapper felt dejected that none of them had approached him and told him to get into position as well, but, unsurprisingly, that bit of himself was miniscule in comparison to part of him that was grateful for having been left alone, as he now had time to try and get control over the pain that was traveling through his veins like a forest fire.

By the time Yoongi had managed to finally raise his head properly for the first time since the blinding ceiling light had been turned on, the six other members had already gone through two songs and were about halfway through a third one. His eyes still scrunched up in pain at the brightness of his surroundings, his stomach continued to turn with mild nausea, and he would much rather to go back to sleep even though his slumber wouldn't help his condition in the slightest, but at least things were bearable and he didn't feel like he was about to keel over.

At first, everything looked fine to him, all the members were hitting the steps perfectly, even Seokjin and Namjoon, who sometimes didn't know how much power they should use during a specific move or what emotion they should embody and put into a choreography for the dance to look right, were doing really good as far as he could see from his position, but as the six got further towards the end of the song – he blamed his brain for not noticing it sooner – it finally registered that Jungkook wasn't hitting the sharp moves in the choreography with the same energy and enthusiasm he usually put in when performing, and that Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok were all forgetting moves and letting their gazes drift away from their own reflected figures in the mirror. The only ones performing somewhat like normal were Jimin and Taehyung, but even those two seemed to be having trouble with keeping their focus on themselves.

Being exhausted and unable to put their all into the choreography when they danced wasn't an unusual thing when they were as close to a comeback as they currently were, but with their stamina it still wasn't something that happened until they were at least a couple of hours into practice, so seeing all of them like this, tired – and very obviously distracted by something he himself had yet to set his eyes upon – less than 10 minutes in was concerning.

He couldn't make himself take his eyes off of Jungkook after seeing how the youngest was barely managing to stay on beat as the song progressed. He knew that the others had noticed as well – they had to, it should be impossible not to have with all the times the maknae was in the center of the choreography – but nobody – not even Hoseok, the one who would usually start a song over if anyone made as little as a single mistake – was saying anything or doing anything other than shooting the youngest singer a glance or two in the mirror whenever the maknae would make another mistake.

By the time the speakers rang out the last note of the currently playing song, Yoongi had pushed himself up onto his feet – with the help of the wall behind him, as the muscles in his legs hadn't been strong enough to get him up without the assistance of an outside force – and begun to make his way over to the others, who had yet to move out of the ending position even though the song was over, so he could join them for the next track.

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