Chapter 3.2 ✔︎

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Namjoon waited for the younger to doze off again before he started walking, trailing down the hallway in the same direction Seokjin had.

When Namjoon stepped into Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung's shared room, the leader saw that Seokjin had already put Jungkook down on Taehyung's bed, the maknae laying on his side, arms stretched straight out before him on the mattress as if he was trying to reach for someone, body filling up half of the surface space on the furniture, which left the other half open for Taehyung.

After having slight difficulty with getting Taehyung off of himself, as the younger made sure to verbally and physically complain every time Namjoon tried to make him stand on his own or unloop his arms from around the elder's neck, the leader had finally been freed from the group's human octopus, and Taehyung had found himself a willing cuddle partner, in the form of an equally cuddle seeking Jungkook.

With the situation handled, Namjoon let himself fall down next to Seokjin – who had settled down on Jimin's bed after separating from Jungkook – shoulder almost slamming into the elder's head because he had overestimated how much space was left on the mattress.

Seokjin rolled onto his side when Namjoon touched down, and threw his left arm over the leader's chest. His head followed soon after, falling down to lay on top of the younger's ribcage only moments later, ear pressed to the other's shirt clad skin so he could hear the gentle beating of the rapper's heart.

Namjoon's left hand soon enough found itself in the elder's hair, finger's running through the soft strands, and his right hand moved down to rest between the other's shoulder blades. The leader appreciated the brief serene escape from reality he had been granted, despite wishing it could continue on for hours. It felt like this was the first time in months where he finally got the chance to sit back and just breathe, no worries, just him and his loved ones.

It hadn't even been two minutes before the calm was broken and chaos started up again, forcing Namjoon out of his thoughts and away from the flowery hill and dozens of butterflies his mind had conjured for him.

Taehyung was fidgeting and whining unhappily as he continuously tried to push Jungkook away – wanting to create distance between himself and the maknae for reasons unknown to everyone else in the room – only for the youngest to tighten his hold around the elder every single time he would shove at the maknae, eventually making it impossible for Taehyung's tired limbs to move the other more than half an inch.

Seokjin breathed out an irritated huff, left hand moving up to rub at his eyes for a second before falling away again, and moved off of the younger and off the bed to go see what it was that was distressing Taehyung. He almost tripped over a damp towel that someone had left lying on the ground, but otherwise made it to the other bed without any hassle.

He had already had a guess as to why Taehyung was trying to get away from the younger – having been the one to carry Jungkook to the room, he had noticed how the bottom of the maknae's shirt was looking darker than the rest of the fabric – so when he saw that his assumption was right, he turned around to face Namjoon.

"Namjoon-ah, can you get a shirt for Jungkook from Taehyung's closet? The one he's wearing is soiled."

Namjoon had only just dragged himself to the edge of the mattress to get the shirt for Seokjin, when he had a black t-shirt thrown at his face from Hoseok and Jimin's direction. The small smile he received from the other rapper when he looked the elder's way, was enough to silence the question that had been forming at the tip of his tongue.

He threw the shirt to Seokjin, who caught the article of clothing before it could fly past his head, and watched as the elder removed the maknae's arms from around Taehyung and stripped the youngest of his dirty shirt, letting the top fall to the ground just beside the bed afterwards.

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