Chapter 7.2 ✔︎

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Was last chapter really that bad..? :/ :( I know it was far from as good as the first couple of chapters of the book (which is probably because I've only edited/rewritten last chapter one time and the first couple of chapters of the book have been edited/rewritten at least 3 times at this point...) but I really didn't think it would be bad enough to make the "Complete reads by part" drop from 83% to 51%... o_o


Namjoon turned back around to face Seokjin once the two others were out of sight and immediately made eye contact with the elder who was already looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What was all that about? What did you tell him? And why wasn't Jimin allowed to hear it?" Seokjin questioned the leader as he adjusted his grip on Yoongi, who had begun to feel like he was slipping out of his grasp.

"Oh.. uh.. I asked him to meet me and maybe you in the living room, and, uhm.. I didn't tell Jimin because he looked so tired and you know he would feel like he had to come if I asked him," Namjoon answered and leaned back against the wall behind him. The exhaustion of the previous day was getting harder to ignore, but a part of his mind continued to tightly hold onto the thought that he needed to talk with someone about his concerns – someone that wasn't one of the many Ryan plushies that decorated his bed.

"'Maybe me'?" Seokjin asked as a puzzled look made its way onto the elder's face. Namjoon's head shot up at the question, lips slightly parted as he searched his brain for the correct words to say.

"I uh.. I hadn't asked you if you'd want to come yet, and I didn't want to assume anything seeing as you're probably really tired and–" Namjoon was cut off before he could finish what he'd been about to say.

"Thanks for not assuming, but sure, I'll come, you wouldn't have asked any of us to come to the living room for a talk at a time like this if the topic at hand wasn't a pressing matter-" Something seemed to click in Seokjin's eyes as soon as he'd said that, and the elder stood still, completely silent, for a couple of his seconds, his mouth hanging the tiniest bit open, before he leaned forward and spoke in a lowered voice as if he was telling the younger male a secret nobody else could know about. "This is about Yoongi and Jungkook, isn't it?"

"Yeah.." Namjoon replied weakly, momentarily shifting his head to the left and looking at the front door before raising his gaze again and looking up at the elder, eyebrows furrowed slightly together in confusion. "How'd you–"

"I'll take Yoongi to our room and meet you and Hoseok in the living room in a couple of minutes," Seokjin said, interrupting Namjoon, and jumped slightly to get Yoongi further up on his back.

"Oh, okay. Take all the time you need though, we'll wait for you to come before starting." The leader hadn't even gotten the chance to completely finish what he was saying before Seokjin was walking forward, leaving the entryway and making his way down the hallway in the direction of his and Yoongi's room.


Now that he wasn't around the two others anymore, Jimin felt like he could finally let the façade he'd put on fade away. Instead of his confident walk, head looking straight forward and legs moving with the elegance of a highly skilled ballet dancer, he was leaning heavily onto Hoseok, his eyes were cast to the ground, fighting to stay open, and his feet were dragging themselves along the floor as his legs tried to support the rest of his body to the best of their ability whilst also trying to keep up with the speed his partner was moving at.

Hoseok having caught on to Jimin's struggle mere seconds after the younger had finally let his exhaustion show, slowed down his pace and removed his right arm from where it had been slung around the other shoulders – adding more weight to what his partner was already being subjected to carry – so he could instead wrap it around the singer's waist and take some of the load the other was bearing. The rapper wanted to do more, wanted to scoop the younger up into his arms and carry him all the way to their room so his partner didn't have to suffer anymore, but he had to accept that his body had limits and that doing so, while he himself was tired as well, would be crossing them. Despite the slow pace, it didn't take the two of them more than ten seconds to make their way down the hallway and inside theirs and Taehyung's room.

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