Chapter 3.1 ✔︎

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This is a longer chapter, I hope you don't mind cause it won't be the last one..


Namjoon wasn't a fan of lying, but he didn't know what else he was supposed to have told Jungkook as he didn't want to make the maknae more upset than he already was, nor make the younger worry about Yoongi to the extent that he and Seokjin had been for the past week.

As the leader of the group and as the eldest member, they were the ones in charge and the ones carrying the responsibility on their shoulders. They were the ones who had to make sure that everything was running smoothly in the group, so they often felt obligated to ensure that the health of all the other members – both physical and mental – was at a constant high. People could argue that those things weren't true and say that they shouldn't feel like everything and everyone were depending on them to be perfect, but at the end of the day, the public always looked on the eldest in a group as the one who had to be the most mature and as the one who had to take care of the younger members, and if things weren't going exactly as planned Namjoon was the one who was pulled aside and berated for not doing his job as the group's leader.

Admittedly Namjoon hadn't experienced being pulled aside and scolded for a very long time – though he only attributed that to being because of how much fame their group had garnered over the past several years – but Seokjin still frequently experienced being a victim of people on the internet who didn't believe he was doing his job as the group's eldest properly.

Jungkook sniffled and rubbed his stuffy nose, moving the pillow further down before he did so, so he wouldn't get snot all over it. The skin around the younger's eyes had flushed red because of the salty tears and all the rubbing he had subjected them to.

A single drop of snot made its way down from his right nostril, and Jungkook, feeling the watery substance tickle the beginning of his upper lip, took the bottom of his shirt into his free hand – the other one still holding onto the throw pillow – and dragged the bunched up fabric under his nose to catch the mucus.

Despite knowing the shirt was already dirty, Namjoon turned around on the couch cushion and shot a quick glance around the space, searching for the small brightly colored box of napkins his eyes had seen somewhere in the big room back when he and Seokjin had been embracing.

After searching for another 15 seconds, Namjoon found it sitting partially hidden underneath the long leaves of one of Seokjin's plants on the other side of the room. He looked back at Jungkook – who only looked to have curled further in on himself, pillow now squashed between his stomach and thighs, and knees digging further into the back of the couch than the leader remembers them doing before he had turned away – and after giving himself less than a second to think, he was pushing himself off of the couch.

He, however, didn't get very far, as he was pulled back down on the couch before he had even gotten halfway up.

When Namjoon looked behind him to see whether his top had been caught in something, he was surprised to find Jungkook's hand wrapped tightly around the bottom of his t-shirt, the maknae's knuckles a lighter color than the rest of his skin because of the force the younger was putting into holding onto the fabric.

"Please don't leave me," Jungkook's forced out, voice quiet almost as if the younger hadn't meant for Namjoon to hear him. When the leader looked up at the younger's face it was to the sight of tear-filled eyes and the other's trembling lower lip.

New tears continued to bubble up until Jungkook's eyes couldn't contain all of them and they started running down the maknae's cheeks in thin streaks.

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