Chapter 9.1 ✔︎

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When Yoongi woke up it was to the same sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach that had been plaguing him for a couple of days, as well as a feeling of uncomfortably tight skin underneath his eyes, which had no doubt been caused by the tears he'd shed what couldn't have been more than a few hours ago.

His mind was begging him to go back to sleep, but he couldn't, he was too awake to close his eyes and slide back into the darkness all his dreams had been reduced to at this point – even though his bones and muscles felt heavily weighed down by the deep-seated exhaustion he'd become overly familiar with over the last couple of several weeks.

At took a second for him to realize that he and Jungkook had moved around while they'd slept. Instead of them laying close to the edge of the bed, with him laying slotted tightly up against the maknae's, his left arm slung loosely over the younger's waist and his left hand clutched in the shirt the other was wearing, the two of them were laying in the middle of the bed. He raised his head to look down at them. He was laying on his back, right arm wrapped loosely around Jungkook's waist, his right hand splayed between the younger's shoulder blades right on top of the ridged curves of the maknae's spine, and Jungkook was laying halfway on top of him, cold nose buried in his collarbones and right hand entangled in his shirt.

He couldn't help his sudden intake of air when he felt the way the majority of the vertebrae in Jungkook's spine were scarily defined when he moved his hand from the base of the younger's neck to where the other's waist dipped in. Every bump of bone felt too marked under the pads of his fingers despite there being a shirt between them, and he could feel the hollow space between each of the maknae's ribs when his hands skimmed them on the way back up the other's spine.

He couldn't believe that he was part of the reason Jungkook had ended up like this, he didn't want to believe that he was, but the more he thought about it, the less he found himself able to deny that it had partially been his fault. Jungkook had come to him for help in dealing with the stress of the album and the anxiety he began experiencing as a result of all that stress, and he'd helped the younger by talking with him and introducing him to techniques that would hopefully help lower the amount of stress and unease the maknae was undergoing. The younger had been improving, and surprisingly quick at that, but then he'd pulled the pulled the rug out from under him out of nowhere, had cut him off as if he was a disease that had to be avoided at all costs, and the maknae had begun falling apart again, and he hadn't stepped in to stop him from further deteriorating even when it had gotten to the point where he could see that it was getting worse than it had been back when the younger had first approached him.

Yoongi was pulled out of his thoughts when the light shuffling of his sheets filled the room. The rapper looked down at the younger male laying plastered to his side and let a small smile find its way onto his lips when he saw the way the other's legs were lazily kicking around.

The morning light was starting to seep through the curtains on the other side of the big white bookcase separating his part of the room from Seokjin's, which meant that it more than likely wouldn't be long before the elder, who was still sleeping soundly on the other side of the room, would wake up, as his hyung's body had pretty much become accustomed to walking up whenever the sun would start to show its first signs of having risen outside the apartment complex.

The rays of light weren't able to directly reach his side of the room and paint stripes of faded pale yellow on his walls because of the bookcase, but since some of the light was able to reflect off of Seokjin's furniture and the white ceiling due to their bright colors, the amount of light on his side had been turned from a 'you won't be able to see your hand if you put it in front of your face' dark into a very dimmed light that would be equivalent to if someone lit a couple of candles. It very obviously still wasn't a lot of light, but he wasn't complaining as it was enough for him to be able to see Jungkook and the way the younger was almost rhythmically scrunching his nose.

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