Chapter 7.1 ✔︎

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I hope everyone's had a good day :)


When Jungkook knocked on the front door to their apartment – both because Seokjin didn't have a free hand to do it himself since he was carrying Yoongi, and because neither him nor the eldest had thoughts about taking a spare key with them when they left – he hadn't expected the door to be pulled open a mere second afterwards or for all four of the other members to be waiting just beyond the doorsill.

Before he could open his mouth and let the question resting on the tip of his tongue leave his lips, Hoseok and Taehyung were in front of him and reaching out towards him with warm hands. Despite still being a bit confused as to why the others had decided to crowd the three of them before they even got to enter the apartment instead of simply waiting for them in the living room – as the small space just beyond the threshold couldn't accommodate more than three of them at the same time if they wanted to have enough space to move around comfortably – Jungkook let the two older members guide him inside.

He'd barely taken a couple of steps inside the room when, without any warning whatsoever – no ringing in the ears or narrowing of the vision like he'd on countless sites on the internet read would happen – he felt his right knee give out under him. For a moment the maknae thought he would fall – he'd almost been able to envision it inside his mind. Limbs spread every which way, and head hurting terribly because he'd smacked it again the hardwood floor with enough power to give himself a concussion – but just as quickly as he'd dropped 10cm he'd been raised 10cm again. Perplexed, Jungkook raised his head.

The first thing the maknae saw was a mouth, Hoseok's mouth to be specific. The mouth was moving, forming words that were most likely aimed at him, but he couldn't hear anything other than the loud beating of his own heart. The second thing, or well, things, for his haze gaze to lock in on were the rapper's concerned eyes. There were small wrinkles between the other's brows because of the way they were furrowing together and Jungkook wanted nothing more than to reach out and smooth them away, but something was stopping him from moving his arms.

The youngest had ended up becoming so focused on Hoseok that he'd been startled and had instinctively pulled his right leg closer to his other leg when he felt a tug at his foot. Faster than he probably should have, seeing as his neck was already hurting due to the awkward position he had unknowingly forced it into when he'd fallen asleep in the car, the maknae broke eye contact with the rapper in front of him and turned his head down towards the floor where he was instantly met with the sight of Taehyung kneeling beside him, hands hovering a couple of centimeters above the sneakers he was wearing – sneakers which Jungkook, now that he was actually looking at them, realized wasn't his own – and fingers working diligently to untie the shoelaces.

He doesn't know how long he spent just standing there as if rooted to the spot, Hoseok's arms – which he had discovered were the reason his face hadn't gotten the chance to connect with floor – wrapped around his upper body, and his eyes focused on a dirty spot on the otherwise relatively clean wooden flooring, but it must have been a minute or two seeing as once his brain finally started to store information again instead of just letting everything he was hearing, feeling, and seeing go in one ear and out the other, both of his sneakers – Taehyung's sneakers – had come off and were lined up prettily by the wall precisely underneath the hook on coat rack where his partner usually hung his jacket.

Jungkook slowly raised his head, already knowing that his neck would start protesting and cramping at some point and begin shooting pain up to his brain and down to his shoulders, and directed his gaze towards Seokjin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin, who were standing almost pressed up against the front door. Yoongi was still sleeping away on Seokjin's back, Jimin was trying to get the rapper's shoes off of his feet without pulling too hard and waking the elder, and Namjoon looked to be trying to get the eldest's footwear off for him the same way Jimin was with Yoongi, but he was doing an awful job and continuously causing Seokjin to almost stumble and fall.

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