Chapter 12.1 ✔︎

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There had been a constant annoying beeping in his ears ever since the two organs had started to once again pick up on the different sounds swirling around him, and the smell of strong disinfectant stung his nose every single time he breathed in to replace the oxygen in his lungs.

He couldn't help the feeling of confusion that started taking root in his mind when he realized how soft the surface underneath him was and how whatever he was laying had molded to fit perfectly against his body, the complete opposite of what the hard wooden flooring in the practice room felt like and did, which was the last place he remembered having been.

He felt uneasy with not knowing where he was, but he wouldn't be able to do anything about that uneasiness since his eyelids were too difficult to lift – it almost felt as if someone had taped them shut with duct tape – there were no familiar voices around to reassure him that he wasn't alone, and he couldn't lift any part of his aching body without the pain – that seemed to have taken up permanent residence – in his muscles flaring up. Even as little as attempting to lift a finger would send a bolt of searing white up his arm.

For however long, time passed and the only sound around him was the monotone mechanical beeping. For a moment wanted his mind to blank out again – he was getting bored of not being able to do anything other than lie there while he was forced to listen to the never-ending beeps – but then what sounded like a doorhandle turning reached his ears, and all of a sudden the quiet he'd been tortured with for the last he-didn't-even-know-how-long was replaced by warm voices.

There were only a few who spoke loud and clear, those he easily recognized as being the voices that belonged to Namjoon and Seokjin. All the others sounded too muffled to his ears and blended together to the point where he didn't know if he actually knew them, even though his brain was telling him that they had to be the four other members.

He couldn't make out what any of them were saying – not even the leader and the eldest – and it, along with the constant monotonous beeping coming from his right, was honestly starting to make him feel like he was going to go crazy. He couldn't possibly be the only person in the entire room who was bothered by it, so why weren't anyone quietening down and turning whatever was making the sound off?

If this was some kind of 'Make Yoongi Annoyed' plan that six other members had come up with out of nowhere, then he could – without any hesitation whatsoever – say that they had succeeded and that he had a few choice words he wanted to say to the others once he finally gained back control of his mouth.

Seconds went by – or was it minutes? – and he was starting to consider wiggling a toe or finger so he would get the other members attention – even though he knew he would only be subjecting himself to more pain – but then his left hand was being lifted slightly off of the soft surface it was laying on and being incased in a layer of warmth. He braced himself, only to – once again – be doused with confusion when the pain he'd been expecting to tear through him never came. The only thing that ended up happening was that the heat on his palm and the back of his hand began to steadily spread up to his wrist.

Feeling a little brave because the pain hadn't come, the rapper tried to move his left pointer finger against the warmth surrounding it. He couldn't actually fully feel his fingers, so he didn't know if anything was even happening, but after continuously trying his luck at bending the single digit, a new voice cut through the intelligible mumbling – Jimin's voice – and all of a sudden everyone went quiet.

A feeling of sadness settled over the rapper, and almost as if it was displaying his inner turmoil, the beeping to his right sped up. The annoying, yet at the same time warm and comforting, mumbling of the other members had been the only thing that had made the entire situation he was being forced into a little better, but now it wasn't there anymore.

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