Chapter 7.3 ✔︎

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Enjoy this slightly longer chapter (*^ -^*)


Hoseok took the younger's quiet response as a sign that he was allowed to leave and turned around to walk to the door where he, after casting a short glance back at the smaller male buried in his sheets, flipped the switch on the wall, shutting the lights off, and turned the door handle.

The door closed with a silent click behind the rapper.


He had started to lift weights a lot more a while back – partially because he had wanted to but also because their personal trainer had suggested that he should switch from his usual cardio focal pointed workout plan to one that put more focus on building muscle mass and strength – so carrying the rapper shouldn't be as hard as it was – it shouldn't be making his legs shake as if they were ready to give out underneath him or make his neck hurt as if he'd slept with it in a wrong position for several hours.

Seokjin was so caught up thinking about the pain in his legs and neck that it didn't register in his brain that he had reached his and Yoongi's room. Since there was no one else around – other than the sleeping rapper on his back – to warn him and tell him to stop walking, there was no one to prevent the following moment of him walking headfirst into the closed door serving as a temporary wall between their room and the hallway.

The singer raised his head and looked down the hall he didn't remember having walked down, mouth still open in a silent cry because of the pain that continued to throb across his forehead, and internally cursed at himself for having let his thoughts distract him to the point they had. He shouldn't have let his focus stray. His carelessness could have gotten Yoongi hurt – thank god nothing actually ended up happening to the other – He was fine with being subjected to a little pain if it meant nothing would happen to one of the younger ones because of his lack of attention.

Seokjin let go of Yoongi's right thigh – having fully intended to use the hand he had just freed to open the door in front of him – only to immediately have to grab it again when the younger male quickly started slipping down his back because his left hand wasn't able to support enough of the rapper's weight to keep the other from falling. The singer jumped slightly, bouncing Yoongi back up to the spot he'd previously been, and quietly winced when the motion made the pain in his forehead worsen for a few seconds.

His first plan – his only plan – hadn't worked out quite how he'd wanted it to, but at least now he knew that he couldn't use either of his hands to open the door, since doing so would put Yoongi at risk of slipping and getting injured. It seemed he would have to get a bit more creative if he wanted to get into their room without the help of any of the other members.

To Seokjin's own surprise, an idea popped into his head before he'd even gotten the chance to count to two. It wasn't an undoubtedly safe idea – maybe he should just ask Namjoon to help – but it was an idea nonetheless.

The eldest didn't give himself any time to think the idea over a second time, before he was raising his right leg, leaving him to balance on his left one, and attempting to push down on the door handle with his knee. The metal was cold against his skin and his left leg was beginning to shake due to the extra weight it was being forced to carry, but he kept going.

Seokjin couldn't stop amazement from spreading throughout his body when the door finally swung open – admittedly with a little more force than he had intended, as he hadn't been able to stop his knee from slipping down from the handle and pushing against the door – and he was given access to his and Yoongi's room – for a moment, he'd honestly begun to think it wouldn't work.

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