Chapter 6.1 ✔︎

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This chapter is over 5K... so... enjoy?

Also, I'm gonna be spending a lot of money on energy drinks from now on since my mind is refusing to focus on editing if I'm not drinking an energy drink while I'm writing :))))))))


Everything around him was blurry to the point where he couldn't recognize any of the things he was looking at. The last memory he could clearly remember was of him being in his studio, but for all he knew he could have been moved somewhere else. He couldn't even properly make out his hyung's face, so if he hadn't been able to place the familiar-sounding voice he was hearing onto one of the faces ingrained in his brain, he would've had absolutely no idea who the person in front of him was.

He knew that there was someone behind him as well, but he didn't know who the person was as they hadn't said a single word since he had woken up from unconsciousness – at least not anything that his brain had managed to register – he thinks he might have heard Seokjin murmur someone's name but he couldn't remember whose name it had been. He could feel the person's built chest pressing against his back when the other breathed, could feel the long legs on either side of his own two, the muscled arm wrapped tightly around his middle, the hand pressing against his forehead, and there was a faint smell of sweat clinging to the person – which he was certain would have been much stronger hadn't the stench, which was coming from the vomit on the floor less than a meter away from him, been as overpowering as it was.

There were so many clues, but his mind was too much of a mess at the moment for him to be able to connect any of them.

Yoongi was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't react when Seokjin's hand rose to gently hold his right cheek or when the elder shone his phone's flashlight in his eyes. At first, Yoongi being as out of it as he was had been a good thing – as it meant the singer could carry out his test much quicker than he had originally thought he would be able to – but as the younger continued to stare blankly into the air, not blinking, after the one-and-a-half-minute mark passed, the feeling of content was replaced with concern.

With the test done and there being no other visible signs that could support his suspicion of the younger having sustained a concussion, Seokjin turned the flashlight on his phone off and put the device back in his pocket with a conscience that was a little less weighed down with worry than it was before.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Seokjin questioningly – he still hadn't been told what the other was doing, so he had no idea what was happening – but the elder didn't say anything, didn't even look at him. His thighs and abs were beginning to cramp because of the way he was sitting, and the studio's hardwood floor was pressing uncomfortably against his ischial tuberosities and tailbone – but at least he wasn't plagued by overwhelming nausea anymore.

Sejin walked into the room on hesitant feet, stepping away from the doorway he'd been leaning restlessly against whilst informing the CEO of the eldest rapper's condition over the phone, and kneeled down on his right knee next to the three younger males.

Bang Sihyuk had, when he had heard of Yoongi's state, given the manager the go-ahead to take the idol to the hospital to be checked up on by a medical professional if Sejin believed that whatever illness the rapper was suffering from had worsened to the degree that medical help would be necessary for the young male to make a quick, full recovery.

Every nerve in Sejin's body was yelling at him that he should take the idol to the hospital to find out what was wrong, but the manager was hesitant as to whether or not he should actually listen to the shouting as he didn't know if going to the hospital was truly necessary. With the information he had managed to gather – which sadly wasn't a lot – Yoongi could be suffering from anything from food poisoning to the flue, illnesses you could easily treat at home and didn't necessarily need to go to the hospital for.

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