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School was about to start. The first day was going to be in two days. The homework, exams and rude teachers would make an appearance in my life. Thank God it was the last year I would have to go through it. I would finally be a senior.

One thing I was worried about was the fact that I would be the new kid. All the students had been together since the beginning of high school while I would hardly know anyone. I couldn't turn to Caroline to be with because she would be a freshman and she had her own things to worry about. I knew I couldn't rely on Holden because, well, he didn't like me so much.

My phone rang and I sighed. Whatever was going to happen I would be fine. I always was.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Um, hi. I am Lovetta. Is this Kristy's mobile?" A sweet voice greeted me from the other line.

"Oh, hey Vetta. What's up?"

"Well, you said I should call you if I wanted to hang out sometime. I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping today?" She finished this sentence with some hesitation. "But you don't have to if you are busy or something."

"I'd love to go with you. How about we meet at the store where you work at? And don't worry I won't get lost."

"Yes, let's meet there. How about we meet in an hour?" The happiness in her voice was so obvious that it made me smile.

"See you there."

An hour and fifteen minutes later, I was running. I was late for our date because I thought I remembered the way. Well, I didn't. So, I had taken three times the wrong path but had managed to find the right way.

I saw Vetta and Alaric standing outside the shop and the later one looked furious.

"Hey, I am here," I said and it was clear based on my voice that I was out of breath. "I'm sorry I am late."

"Don't worry. You are here now and that's what matters." Vetta smiled unlike Alarick who was growling at me.

"Are you always this late?" he asked.

"No, but I got lost. If you have a problem with that, kiss my ass. And I wasn't supposed to meet with you anyways, jerk, so I ain't answering to you if there are complaints about it."

Once I had said that, I felt much calmer. I turned to his sister and asked. "Shall we go?" She nodded and we left. Well, we left after I had flipped him the bird.

"So, I know it might be a little late to ask but how old are you?" she asked as we left the store.

I sensed a presence behind us. I took a quick look around and saw a big form standing behind a tree. However, I paid little attention to it and kept walking.

"Seventeen, which means that I'll be a senior this year."

"No way. Me too. That's so cool. It means that we'll be classmates."

"That's a relief. I thought I wouldn't know anyone in our grade," I admitted as I noticed from the corner of my eye a huge man with silver-black hair jumping behind a tree and sticking his eye out.

"Well, you'll know two people." Two? She must have sensed my confusion and explained. "Me and my brother."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that creature of kindness. How lovely," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"He isn't that bad. He is just overprotective. Whatever he does, he does it out of love," she tried to convince me.

"That's why he's following us and he's currently hiding behind that tree?" I revealed a fact that I had noticed a couple of minutes ago.

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