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"Your highness, it's been so long." A tall lady came forward and hugged Holden while some guards dropped to their knees.

I opened my eyes for the first time and took a big breath.

We were standing in the middle of a huge room supported by four intricately carved ice columns. The floor we stood on was made of crystal clear ice, the pale blue color hypnotizing and stunning. I glanced up at the ceiling, and gasped, enchanted by the night sky, visible from the transparent glass. Bright stars twinkled above us like millions of small flashlights, and in the midst of all the luxury hung a complex chandelier with diamonds hanging from the edges.


"What?" My attention snapped back into place. I peeked at Vetta who was smiling next to me.

"This is my uncle, Pit." She nudged her head towards the large man next to her. He looked like both the Sith siblings, with his jet-black hair and emerald-green eyes. He was taller than Alarick and more muscular even though he was much older.

"Hello, sir." I bowed my head a bit.

"Call me Pit, please." He took a sniff. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" Alaric who was next to him choked.

"She is a user," Vetta said quickly.

"Really, what kind?" he asked, suspicious about my origin.

"Ice," she replied with ease.

"Really?" he asked with disbelief.

"Uncle, you don't have to be so rude."

"It's just that she has a weird smell. It doesn't remind me of an ice user," he said as he glanced at me in curiosity. He was a werewolf too with a lot stronger senses than usual, I realized then. Once Alaric had told me that I had a slightly weirder smell than most which was neither of a usual user, a human nor any other creature.

"You know, the lower your powers are, the more unrecognizable it is. You don't have to remind her of that," she said with a low voice.

"Oh my, I am so sorry. How unfortunate for you," he apologized sincerely. I was about to reassure him that all was well when I was interrupted.

"Guys, we are going to escort the two highnesses to their majesties. Will you join us?" Harou informed us and Alaric nodded.

We said goodbye to their uncle and caught up with the others. After one glance around the palace, I approached Vetta and lowered my voice when I asked her.

"Can I be blunt? Are you guys supposed to be the siblings' guards? Because there aren't any other guards following them and I thought with their father's incident, the security would be tighter."

"You are correct. We have been their guards since we were old enough to receive responsibility. That's why we moved to Manavata, to protect them."

"Is that why Holden doesn't seem to like you much?" She laughed.

"You could say it's tough love. I am sure that deep down he loves us like family, just like we do even though they boys would rather die than admit it," she said with a laugh but quieted down when we arrived to our destination.

Holden greeted the soldiers outside his father's infirmary and in return they bowed and opened the door for us. The siblings walked in first though the white marble door with the rest of us on their tails. The king's room was exactly how I expected it to be. It was a huge space decorated with paintings with golden colors and white flowers all around. The bed in the middle of the room was beyond the size of a king sized one. The pale man who was lying on it looked small compared to it.

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