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"Is she dead?"

"No, silly, she's sleeping."

"I am bored. Let's wake her up."

Two small bodies crashed onto me. The impact of the slam not only woke me up but also sent me jumping out of bed screaming in the blink of an eye.

"Hey look, now she is awake."

The girl's voice seemed familiar. I blinked rapidly and tried to focus on the two figures on top of the bed.

Lizzie and Nita were giggling and trying to get out of the bed too but had gotten tangled up with the covers.

"What are the two of you doing?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"We were bored and wanted to play and you were sleeping for so long, so we decided to wake you." Lizzy smiled innocently.

"Are you mad at us?" Nita asked and she bit her bottom lip.

"No, sweetie, I am not." I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face.

It was only then that I realized I wasn't in my room, or in any familiar space. I was in a large room with white walls and many empty beds. It looked like an infirmary. However, there weren't any machines, like the ones hospitals had. And to be honest, it didn't have the melancholic feeling like all the hospitals had.

I looked down at my body. My arms and legs were all bandaged up but they didn't hurt. In fact, I wasn't in any pain except a slight headache. Suddenly, a brief flash of the attack slammed into me. I looked with worry at the kids.

"Are you all right?" I examined them for any injuries. Seeing that they didn't have a scrap on them, I relaxed. "Where are the others? And, where are we?"

"Everybody is upstairs. Come on."

They climbed out of bed and each took my hand. They walked me through a narrow corridor. It was kind of suffocating considering that there were no windows. I was sure that we were underground. After three sets of stairs we were in a familiar room, the Hover's kitchen. As it turned out, we were in their house all along.

We heard voices coming from the living room and followed them. When we stepped in the room, everyone stopped talking. I saw a few familiar faces around the room and some unknown. Holden was sitting next to two guys I hadn't seen before and his father while Lucy, his mother, was pouring Lily a cup of tea. My mind made a note of Caroline's absence.

"It's so good to see you awake, Kristy," Lucy said as she came over and hugged me.

She and her husband were the only ones who showed concern about my well-being. All the others just looked at me with something I couldn't quite place. Was it disgust or hate?

There would be absolute silence had it not been for the two little girls who kept mumbling. The old couple offered to take them upstairs with the rest of the young ones. Once they were out of ear range, their offensive attack began. 'Why the hell is she here?' and 'Why didn't we kill her?' were some of the questions that submerged.

"Quiet!" Holden shut all of their mouths. "Jordan, get back to tracking the wolves," one of the unknown guys saluted and, following Holden's order, left the room quickly, "Lily, go call Caroline," and she began climbing the stairs. "As for you, Damien, you will be this troublemaker's guard. Congrats," he added the last part sarcastically.

"I don't need a babysitter," I objected.

"Really? So, you mean that if you are attacked again that you'll be fine?" Dead silence spread in the room. "I thought so." He got out of the living room. "You coming or what?" he asked loudly enough so we could both hear him.

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