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"Mother, you have to do something," Caroline begged the queen.

After finding out what was wrong with Alaric, things moved fast. We ran to the king's office where he and his family were. Clell caught them up on his friend's crucial state, hoping they would know something that could help. The frown and the wrinkles on the king's face weren't a good sign. We were about to lose all hope when Caroline noticed her mother staring off into space.

"What is it? What are you thinking about?" she asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing," the queen responded as she shook her head frantically.

"You are thinking about something. I can tell," Holden insisted as he moved closer to her. His mother just shook her head, not going into any details.

"Your majesty, please, if there is any way I can save my brother, I need to know. I beg of you," Vetta pleaded as she dropped to her knees and looked up to her with tears in her eyes.

"My child, if I were sure that your brother would be saved with what I have on my mind, you would be the first to know about it. But I'm not going to say something that could cost you your life. Not to mention the chances of Alaric surviving are few," she told her firmly with a saddened tone.

"It doesn't matter. Please tell us. I'm willing to risk my life in order for Alaric to live," Clell said as he joined Vetta on the floor.

Haru followed in suit and let out a whimper. And just like that I knew she would be persuaded to speak. She sighed and looked at the three kneeling kids while her eyes softened.

"There's a witch who knows how to make the cure for anosia. She has healed users who suffered from the same disease before," she admitted.

"That's great!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find that witch," Clell announced as he helped Lovetta stand up.

"Wait, dear, do not tell me you're talking about the mad Margot?" the king questioned. I noticed the queen nod. I had a bad feeling about the name and curiosity won me over.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"She is one of the most powerful witches of the history. She has found many cures over the years but has also created quite a few diseases too. I actually used to know her personally," she admitted. A smile full of hopefulness appeared on Vetta's face.

"However," she continued as she fidgeted, "these few decades she has gone crazy. She withdrew herself on a tower somewhere on Manavata and refuses to come in contact with anyone. I once tried to approach her and reason with her but that ended up in her attacking me. She just wants to be left alone. If you went there asking for her help, I'm afraid that could even result in your death."

Nobody dared to speak as we stared blankly at each other. We were all taking in what was just said. Could this be the end of all hope for Alaric's life?

"Why?" Caroline broke the silence. "Why did she become like this?"

"She never spoke about it openly but I think it had something to do with her sister. She had a younger sibling who got married to fire user and they lived together in the fire dimension. When the fall of Aedan occurred, they were two of the many fallen victims. The loss must have been enough to hate all species and distance herself from any supernatural activities," she speculated.

She must have really loved her sister if she reacted like that after her death. I could understand her hatred. How could she be fine with what happened to her sibling on such a horrible event?

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