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"Will it be enough?" I asked the lady in front of me.

Her hair dropped above her shoulders as her pale skin brought out the grayish color. She was taller than me and her skin was flawless. There wasn't even a wrinkle or a scar on her face.

"It will. He'll be fine in a few hours," her deep voice reassured me. I took the little bottle she was holding out. The glass vessel held inside a purple thick liquid.

"Thank you," I thanked her one last time. I turned back and smiled at Clell and Holden. They were the other two people on the stone balcony of this tall building that we were on. I took one step forward getting closer to them.

The flash swish of a flying object passed by my left ear. The weird sound was accompanied by a knife flying past me. My ear itched and I brought my hand to touch it. It felt wet for some reason. I lowered my hand and noticed the blood on my fingers.

I breathed deep and turned my body to the opposite side.

That was when everything turned black.

I jerked awake and fell to a very hard surface. I groaned as I felt my body crash with the floor.

"Oh crap," I murmured as I rubbed the hand which had softened my fall and now hurt like hell.

I rolled over until I bumped into something. I slowly turned around and saw Holden staring at me then at the whole room oddly.

"What the heck happened?" He tried to sit up but elbowed the person next to him in the process. I could see from my position Alaric stirring and dropping the bottle of tsiki he was hugging.

"What are you doing here?" they both asked simultaneously. They then faced me with confusion in their eyes.

"Why are you being so loud so early in the morning?" Clell complained loudly as he moved to the edge of the bed. "And why are you bleeding?" he asked me.

I looked down at the arm I was holding. The fingers I had wrapped around it were painted red. The two guys next to me on the floor helped me up and Clell brought me a towel to wrap around it.

"What's going on?" Vetta asked as she rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed.

Haru snaked his hand around her waist and kissed her neck. She giggled softly. She opened her eyes and looked at us. This was not going to end well.

"What are you doing there with my sister?" Alaric growled, suddenly awake and full of energy. He took three steps towards them and caught the poor boy by the throat.

Clell decided it was time for this charade to come to an end and stopped Alaric from strangling Harou. He then went on explaining what happened last night. It took us a while but in the end all of us remembered fully what happened last night. Of course, Holden's pride was hurt, Alaric was about to kill Haru and Vetta turned bright red whenever she looked at him. Clell was the only one who was absolutely fine. It was needless to say that the ones who drunk were nursing a splitting headache. Adding to that, I must have woken up at the wrong side of the bed because I had an awful headache and a bad feeling since the morning.

"Stop laughing," Holden complained to his sister. "It isn't fun."

We were currently heading to the royal dining room. The king was feeling much better and wanted to have breakfast with his children. And once he heard that their friends were with them, he asked all of us to join. So, Vetta dressed me in one of her formal dresses and bandaged my hand, helped the boys put on their ties and we began making our way over there.

"Actually, the whole incident was hilarious." Clell laughed along with Caroline who was now crying from laughter.

"No, it isn't." Alaric then went on explaining about why this wasn't funny. He was still talking by the time we reached the doors of dining room.

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