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The next morning, I woke up on my bed with aches and pains all over my body. With slow movements, I got up and walked into the bathroom. One look in the mirror was enough to make me cringe. The image that was supposedly me was horrible. My makeup was messed up since I had forgotten to remove it and I had bruises almost everywhere. Not to mention that I had blood all over my clothes, which I had been wearing since yesterday night.

A nice hot bath didn't take the pain away or help me relax. The pain in my hand, one of the many places that hurt, was unbearable. I got out of the bathtub and searched for our medicine box. I found some painkillers and hoped they would ease off my pain.

Thankfully, my parents had spent the whole night at work and still remained there so they wouldn't fuss over my injury. I would have some time to think about all that had happened.

After I had changed into a clean pair of clothes, I called Vetta's cell. It was either her or the police, and I didn't want to end up in a nuthouse. I knew what happened yesterday wasn't normal and I needed some explanations.

My call went straight into voice mail. I tried five more times but still got the same result. I tried to call the three boys but the outcome wasn't any different. Neither of them was answering and I needed an explanation about last night's events.

I could go to the store where they work but I didn't have the strength to walk there and I wasn't even sure if they would be working today. I could wait until it was Monday since all of them would be at school. It was probably for the best to wait until then. In the meantime, I would go question someone else, Holden. He was the one who found me in the parking lot and drove home. He had to know something.

A few moments later, I was at the front door of the Hover household. The door opened and Lucy, Caroline and Holden's mother, stuck her head out.

"Oh, hello Kristy dear! Come on in," she said as she opened the door further.

"Hey Lucy," I greeted her and asked about Holden's whereabouts.

"Uh, he is upstairs in his bedroom. Do you want me to call him?" she spoke hesitantly. I could tell she was confused and I would be too if I were her, since Holden and I didn't talk much.

"You don't have to. I'll go there myself." I climbed the stairs and knocked on his wooden door.

"Come in." I heard him say. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Kristy, hi. What are you going here?" he said with surprise.

I couldn't answer him. My mind was blank and my mouth dry as I stared at his body. Holden wasn't wearing any clothes. Instead, he had a white towel wrapped around his waist covering his lower area while his chest was left bare. That muscled naked chest. Oh boy! I was still staring at his abs, and I would have continued to do so, if he hadn't coughed and brought me back to reality.

"Why are you here?" he inquired.

"I... um... well, could you put some clothes on first? The sight is kind of distracting," I pointed out as my hands gestured to his body.

The last part left my mouth before I could control it. Thankfully, a smirk touched his lips and he walked into his bathroom to change. When he came out fully dressed, I was partly disappointed, even though I was the one who asked him to cover up.

"So, why are you here? In my room?" he asked as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

It was time to get down to business. I sat down at his bed next to him and spoke, "I want to ask you about last night. What exactly happened? You were the one who took me home, right?"

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