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After I was given Haru and helped him stay on his feet, Holden made us all disappear and go straight back at his house. He took with us the bad guy without removing his icy imprisonment.

We must have scared ten years off of Damien when we appeared out of thin air with a huge ice cube. In fact, he was so surprised he attacked us with the first weapon he saw in front of him, a pepper spray. I had no clue why he would have such thing there but poor Alaric took the hit and instantly cried out in pain. Once he realized that we weren't enemies but allies, he turned a shade of red which made him look like a tomato.

So, after we all calmed down and Alaric stopped bickering about the pepper in his eyes, we helped the injured find an empty bed on the infirmary. Damien took the liberty of calling in their special doctor. Holden took care of the bad guy. He said he would keep him in a cell until every one of us had assembled back here. He wouldn't be contacting the rescue team about our discovery until he'd figure out a good excuse to cover the real story.

As for me, I went to check on the kids. They were having a good time playing with Lucy and her husband but as soon as I got into the room they all dropped their toys and jumped in my open arms. After I had informed that Vetta and the others were found, they all wanted to come. However, I didn't think it would be best for their condition to have kids jumping on them so I told them some of the truth, that they were a little hurt and were taking a nap to get their strength back.

When I went to the infirmary, I didn't expect to encounter such sight. Alaric and Clell were shouting at each other while laying on their beds, probably arguing about who was more injured. Vetta on the other hand was sitting in the chair near an unconscious Haru with her eyes bloodshot, demanding from the others some peace and quiet.

Even though they seemed quite lively, if one noticed carefully, they would see that they were hurt more than expected. The two shouting guys were hissing every time they made a sudden move and the sadness and pain was very noticeable in Vetta's eyes. Haru was no exception. He hadn't regained consciousness yet and we all were scared for what the results of his battle had been.

I was putting some ice on Vetta's eye when there was a knock on the door. I turned around just in time to see two doctors coming in.

"Hello there," the younger blond one greeted us.

It took only one quick look to realize that he looked familiar, and so did his partner. And it wasn't long before I understood where I had seen them before.

"You are from the hospital my dad works at," I gasped.

When I was at the hospital after that incident with the bird monster, they were the two doctors that had been assigned to me. And now they were here ready to heal supernaturals.

"I see you have good memory, Kristy," the other one said.

"What are you doing here? Wait, don't tell me you are something magical too?" I wondered out loud. They both laughed.

"If you must know, we are fairies." I opened my mouth to ask for proof. "And no, we won't show you our wings for proof. Deal with it." The cute blond laughed.

"Now if we're done chit chatting, I'll have to ask you to leave and let us do our jobs. These people can't heal by themselves." He thought about that for a moment. "Well, they can but not as quickly as we can make them recover."

I wanted to ask more about what he had said but the young one accompanied me outside of the room where he shut the door to my face.

I was thinking about going upstairs to ask Lucy for a strong coffee when I heard a crash. I almost ran to the sight. There I saw Holden on his knees blood dripping from his stomach.

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