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"Should I change?" Vetta asked as she saw herself in the mirror.

It was Friday afternoon, one hour before the party began, and Vetta and I were at my place. We were already ready, but my friend was doubting her amazing outfit. She had chosen a skinny leather skirt, an airy black blouse and a lovely pair of high heels. To top off the look, she wore her hair in a high ponytail. Her outfit was so modern yet elegant.

On the other hand, my look was more casual. I wore a torn pair of jeans, a simple white shirt and my sneakers. As for my hair, Vetta straightened them with her iron. She also did my makeup, which consisted of earthly tones. Needless to say, I was more than pleased with my outfit.

"For the tenth time, you look amazing. Stop worrying so much," I reassured her. At that moment my mum barged into the room.

"Hi, girls. You both look lovely." She smiled. "I have brought you cookies and hot chocolate. I don't know if there will be food at the party, so you better eat something."

She placed a tray full of goodies on my desk and left. But before she was gone she hugged me tightly. She tried to play it cool but I knew she was about to cry. I hadn't brought over a friend, other than Caroline, for a really long time, so she was glad not to see me all alone.

"Your mum is so nice," Vetta said and took a bite out of a cookie. "And an amazing cook. I'd die to eat her good every day." She wasn't wrong. My mum was an incredible cook.

A while later, our ride came. Alaric, along with Haru and Clell, were there to pick us up. Unfortunately, my dad opened the door before us. The three guys were standing there looking, well, even more gorgeous than usual. My father glared at them.

"Okay, we are leaving. Bye," I said goodbye to my parents as I tried to push Vetta out of the house to join the boys quickly.

"Wait a second, Kristy." My dad didn't let us leave like that. "Which one of you is driving?" he asked.

"That would be me, sir." Alaric stepped forward.

"Do you have your driver's license with you?" Alaric nodded. "Do you plan on drinking?"

"No, sir," he answered as his body stood straight and serious, like a soldier. He must be good with authority which was unexpected.

"All right. Can we leave now?" I begged. They hugged me and told me several times to be careful. When we finally settled in the car, Alaric looked at me.

"Okay, newbie, are you ready to go to the best party of your life?"

The party took place in one of the rich students' houses. By the time we finally arrived, the scene was filled with people. We got out of the car and began heading inside the house.

"I didn't expect to see so many people here," I admitted.

"Well, the whole town is invited to this party. Even though it is about celebrating the start of a new a school year, it is also a good opportunity to just have fun," Clell explained.

"Anyways, shall we go to the center of the party, ladies?" Haru asked as he dragged Vetta and I forward. In the inside of the house there was a DJ on a stage and many people on the dance floor.

"Oh, I love this song," Vetta exclaimed. A slow song was playing, perfect for couples.

"Why don't the two of you go there and dance?" I pointed at the dance floor where all the couples were dancing.

"And leave you alone? No way," Haru said.

"I don't need babysitting. Just go and have fun." They didn't move. "Stop staring at me and leave. Go!" They finally left. As I was looking at them, I noticed how cute they looked together. They were perfect for each other.

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