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"I did what now?" I asked while the two guys only managed to mutter, "huh?"

"You had a vision. That's the only reasonable explanation," Caroline uttered.

"Hold on, don't you think you're overreacting? What you are saying is impossible and you know it," Holden said.

"Think about it. She has an immunity to mind control, an ability only users have. That alone should prove that she isn't human. She could be a half breed, that would explain why we don't sense anything unusual from her. Besides, you saw how her eyes went blank when she blacked out. I have seen that before and it was when Grandma used to see a vision. Remember?"

"She does have a point," Damien said softly. "This is too much of a coincidence. And it did look like she did it."

"How about you not talk about me like I'm not in the same room?" I asked and suddenly everyone noticed I was still there.

"And now that I have your attention, can you explain to me what is going on?" They looked at each other as if trying to figure out who should go first.

"You see," Damien spoke first as he took a seat, "when you passed out and ended up on the floor, your reaction was very unusual for a human. Your eyes turned white and were very bright and you somewhat fainted without any other reason."

"This used to happen to my Grandmother when she had a vision. To her it was something normal and it happened daily until she grew too old and the visions stopped," Caroline continued. "The visions weren't only from the future but from the past and the present too. As time passed, she learned to recognize which period she was visiting. It's a very rare gift."

"But as you understand, for someone to be able to see visions, they have to be a user. That's why this is hard to believe. You seem like a human and so do your parents," Holden finally spoke too as his eyes ran up and down my body as he examined the possibility of me being anything other than a human.

"Now, if you were a half breed, half human, half user, it would make sense. But that would only happen if you had one parent who was a full-blooded user," he explained.

"What else could this be?" I asked with hope that this wouldn't be a life changing deal. They didn't reply, just looked at me with sympathy.

"I can't be one of you. My parents are human, you said so yourself, so I can only be human."

"Unless you are adopted. That would also be reasonable," Damien said and the world seemed to stop. "Truth to be told, I have seen your parents and you don't really look like them. It would make total sense."

I didn't want to admit it but it was true. I didn't take after my parents. My hair, face, even my body shape was different. But I had seen pictures of when I was just a small little baby and I had a birth certificate that said they were my parents. It just didn't seem right.

Caroline smacked Damien in the head and pulled his ear like one would to his disobedient dog.

"I'm very sorry about him. Scientists can't figure out what is wrong with him." She tried to lighten the mood but failed miserably. "Let's not think about that now. We have more important things. I think we all agree that you saw a vision of where the werewolves are. Let's not think about the details now. We have to think about their safety first."

"I say two of us go where you describe while the others join the rest on our first lead. That way if you happen to be wrong, the damage won't be big and we will still be able to save the weres," Holden suggested and everyone else nodded. "Oh, and do me a favor. Don't say a word about this to anyone else. We don't say anything until we are sure if your ability is what we are suspecting. Understand?"

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