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My feet jerked away from the floor as gravity lost its hold on me. Something wrapped around both my hands pulled me up. I kicked my invisible to me enemy in an attempt to free myself. I elevated into the air as my legs got caught by a rough material. Its texture reminded me of a rope.

All of a sudden, the room got lit up. I blinked rapidly and tried to adjust to the bright light. I glanced with half-closed eyes at the lit chandeliers with the triangular bulbs on the ceiling above me.

"What in the worlds is happening?" Clell yelled.

My attention snapped at him. Both of the boys were in the same condition I was in. Their hands were tied above their heads with a rope that lifted them off the ground. Their feet were held together by another thick cord. Holden stood motionless while Clell fought furiously to get free. The wolf shifter's features had begun to resurface, his teeth and nails had lengthened.

"Children shouldn't play in other people's playgrounds or else they'll get punished," a feminine voice chimed in.

A woman stood by the light switch on the furthest wall. Her white as snow hair reached above her shoulders while her face didn't show any signs of aging. That and along with the long white dress and the youthful structure of her body, she didn't look like the mad Margot I had imagined. She did, however, look like the girl from my vision.

"Are you the infamous Margot?" Clell screamed at her.

"I am. And you do not have to shout child. I may be old but I can still hear perfectly well." She didn't look a year beyond fifty years old. I imagined she used a spell for youth, Vetta had told me such thing existed.

"Do you mind telling me why there is one shifter and two users in my home?" she questioned us.

"We aren't here to cause trouble. We are just seeking help," Holden spoke for us.

"You sound just like your father, prince Holden. Always so diplomatic," she commented.

"You know who I am?" he asked with the surprise being clear in his tone.

"Of course. I know every single inhuman being," she stated.

"How?" Clell joined in.

"Well, Clell Ikar, it's simple. When you have as much free time as I have, you read whatever you get your hands on. My memory is really good. It was easy for me to memorize the records of all users, shifters and witches," she finished explained.

"However, there's one thing I don't know," she paused. She turned her big gray eyes towards me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Kristy Clark," I said trying to keep my voice steady.

"I don't recall reading a name like that. Yet, your aura is one of a user's."

"What kind of user do you think she is?" Holden jumped in. It was a smart attempt of finding my true origins. I hadn't even thought about it. Unfortunately, we weren't so lucky.

"Can't tell. My senses have decreased a lot the last years. But what I know is that she's a user. So, who are you?" No one spoke. "I asked you a question," she said impatiently.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Holden shaking his head negatively. I knew I had to keep my mouth shut.

"Fine, then," the old lady that looked young said. "If you aren't going to talk, then you might as well do something useful. For example, you could become my crocodiles' supper."

She hit her foot on the ground three times. I flinched by the loud noises caused by her action. Suddenly, the floor got sucked from the sides and, in result, we stared in horror at what was in the gap. Crocodiles. Many, many crocodiles with their mouths waiting open for a snack. Their white as pearls teeth shone brightly. We were going to be quite a snack for them.

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